User:Quinten swagerman/steve/whathowwhy

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Note: In progress

One Page Flip


From a first person perspective I took a photograph of my hands holding a flip book, then traced the photograph, creating a line-drawing. Next I animated the movement of one page flipping and added some slight movements to the hands holding the flip book. I exported the frames of the animation, printed them, cut them out and bound them together.


While working on another flip book the idea popped up. From this point on I could not help myself.

Collective Waiting Portrait


The sticker was made by tracing sticker as found on most traffic lights in The Netherlands, giving the man waiting on it a camera and adding two men waiting on the opposite side of the street. Some investigations where done to see if the graphic was clear: I asked people what the waiting man was photographing. Some thought the street, and thus some changes where made, primarily raising the camera.


Blip Listening


I recorded different places, then made selections within those recordings, the maximum duration of one clip being one minute and thirty seconds. Playing the selections on headphones, I picked out one sound element of the sound and scribbled down associating shapes. I picked out the shapes that made most sense and animated them in the computer, matching the sound.

The shape and a QR-code where printed on translucent sticker material. I cut out the stickers and placed them at the spots where the sound was recorded.


I was interested in the experience of places through sound. In idle moments – lying on my back in a park, sitting on the balcony, etcetera - I sometimes found myself listening intensely, trying to hear as much as possible. The world unfolds in a different way when listening. Dziga Vertov says it beautifully:

I wanted to create tiny reminders of the sounds surrounding us, and of this mode of listening, that isn’t about functional orientation, notification, conversation. But as a way of experiencing an environment.