User:Jonas Lund/ImageMerger

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Revision as of 17:17, 1 December 2011 by Jonas Lund (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==What== ImageMerger is a cgi-based script that merges two images using Flickr and Google Images as source. ==How==<br/> <source lang='python'> #!/env/bin/python #...")
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ImageMerger is a cgi-based script that merges two images using Flickr and Google Images as source.


# coding: utf-8
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
import cgi, cgitb, datetime, urllib2, os, flickrapi, oauth, pprint, lxml.etree, json, random
from subprocess import call

#Get Query
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
query = form["query"].value

#get Flickr Pic
API_KEY = ''

flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(API_KEY, format='etree')
photos = flickr.photos_search(tags=query, per_page='1')
for photo in photos[0]:
  owner = photo.attrib['owner']
  pid = photo.attrib['id']
  photoSizes = flickr.photos_getSizes(photo_id=pid)  
  flickSrc = photoSizes[0][3].attrib['source']
  segements = flickSrc.rpartition('/')
  for s in segements:
      flickrFile = s
  ext = flickrFile.partition(".")
  flickTmp = "flicktmp.{0}".format(ext[2])
  cmd = "/usr/bin/wget {0} -O /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{1} -q".format(flickSrc, flickTmp)
  call(cmd, shell=True)
#get Google Pic
googleSearch = "{0}&v=1.0&rsz=1".format(query)
f = urllib2.urlopen(googleSearch)
data = json.load(f)

for r in data["responseData"]["results"]:
  googleSrc = r['url']
  segements = googleSrc.rpartition('/')
  for s in segements:
      googleFile = s
  ext = googleFile.partition(".")
  googleTmp = "googletmp.{0}".format(ext[2])

  cmd = "/usr/bin/wget {0} -O /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{1} -q".format(googleSrc, googleTmp)
  call(cmd, shell=True)
#merge with imageMagick and output
now =
newFilename = str( + str(now.hour) + str(now.minute) + str(now.second) + ".png"
rand = random.randrange(1,11)
mask = "mask{0}.png".format(rand)

mergeCmd = "/usr/bin/composite /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{0} /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{1} /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{2} /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{3}".format(flickTmp, googleTmp, mask, newFilename)
call(mergeCmd, shell=True)

rmCmd = "rm /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{0}; rm /home/jlund/public_html/imger/imgs/{1};".format(flickTmp, googleTmp)
call(rmCmd, shell=True)
print "{0}".format(newFilename)


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  <div id="search-form" role="main">
      <form action="" method="POST" id="search">
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          <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go!">        

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