User:Grrrreat/research/review trim3

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

I will review a lecture/the general work of Jonathan Meese by juxtaposing it with Goodiepal's Oeuvre and lecture. They both, in a way, talk about utopias in art, Goodiepal more in an electronic music and media art related direction, Meese more in a general way.

The main theme will be the use of effect to make oneself and one's lectures including one's actual work more intresting. Both Goodiepal and Jonathan Meese use a strong language of effects in their rethoric and behaviour in order to have their work seen from a different perspective. Yet they both use it for different reasons. another important point is the construction of utopias in art, which they both seem to try to discuss but in very different ways, and most probably for very different reasons.

Goodiepal has a strong tactic of empowerment, even though it is all directed in his idea of a utopia in media art and electronic music, he tries to concisively explain methods of thinking to be employed by people to create in his new enviosoned way of thinking.

Jonathan Meese, judging by his rethoric wants people to follow his agenda without ever explaining it in a concise way. Always leaves things open, makes them deliberately hard to understand. This could be seen as part of the agenda.