User:Dennis van Vreden/connections

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What I've done is I've printed all of the annotations and essays I wrote last year and highlighted all of the sentences that relate to what I want to continue researching. There's a very clear connection between all of the pieces I have written.
For my project experiments I will be exploring the performance and the stage. What interests me is the moment of change that happens in the way we act before we are supposed to perform.
I think there's really something interesting in the fact that apparently I have been writing about this a little last year, without thinking about it in that way.

This following excerpt is from the assignment to connect our annotations with the notion of interface. And I believe there's a lot of good material here to dig into during this year's research.

"Our facade as the interface. The surface with with which communicate.
...we all have our own interface, but behind it we are in fact all the same?
Is it a projection of ourselves that we create to adjust to what society wants us to display

naive in watching cinema.
Most expressions about homosexuality in movies are indirect. And that's interesting because that's how we express homosexuality in life.
The characters are in the closet, the movie is in the closet and we are in the closet.

Or am I mistaking the word interface for the word identity? Or do they have similarities
Can we distance ourselves from this interface"

To reflect on this. The notion of acting is being expressed here. To survive within a society you are required to be able to act within the norm. The interface changes to whoever we communicate with, perhaps with no connection to the true contents. Therefore dismissing the contents.

The next excerpt is from the text by Chrissie Iles, Issues in the New Cinematic Aesthetic in Video. It discusses video installation.

"...the new form of video installation is an internal psychological experience, in which space is no longer tangible and theatrical, but illusory and filmic.

.. awareness of the gradual interpenetration of technology and the human body and psyche."

The following quotes are from the tiny essay I did on The Celluloid Closet after watching Laric's Video Essay about reproduction and manipulation in film.

"it's this assumption that what we see is real.
certain things get banned from cinema, yet we still have the "what we see is what we believe" notion.
so if we see there is no

open mouthed kissing, lustful embraces, sex perversion, seduction, rape, abortion, prostitution and white slavery, nudity, obscenity, profanity.

then apparently it doesn't exist in our world
apparently the feelings you have are extremely strange. it builds a loneliness. since there's nothing to relate to

we are influenced by the interface of cinema

5 people interpret an action
because in the telling and in the retelling the people not reveal the action but themselves."

The next few quotes are from the piece I wrote and titled "I Shot My Biological Self". A review of the Paris is Burning documentary and connecting it with the book/exhibition Other Voices, Other Rooms. This one relates especially with the text I wrote about interface by giving actual examples.

"secluded by not being accepted in society A ball is to us, is as close to reality as we're gonna get to all of that.

It's like crossing into the looking glass, Wonderland. You go in there and you feel a 100% right of being gay. It's not what it's like in the world. It should be.

...anthologies of being in the gay community
The ability to take on any role and be whoever you want to be.

When you're gay you monitor everything you do, you wanted to hide how you look, how you talk, how you dress.
to be able to blend

In the beginning of last year I annotated the documentary Paragraph 175. It relates to what the drag queens and the gay actors are saying and feeling. The reason why they feel they have to blend in.

"Pierre Seel blames the people (not the Nazi's) for seeking them out, mentioning the lists of homosexuals that the Gestapo had. They know how they lived, where they went and what they did."