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=A Google slavery contract=

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Labour investigation in social media

This is a small prototyping with my personal data created from Facebook and Instagram. I call this experiment as a 'crime scene case' in which I will make an investigation report, it might lead me to start on a new study case. By downloading my personal datas I produced, I would like to delve into investigate what kinds of data I have produced, To create this data what labour is being used, how many time I worked to create them. I will visualize them to see the possibilities of materializing the labour.

Step 1: Extracting && Analyzing my data

What data has been collected? I've collected my 9 years of social media experience in JSON file.

A JSON file that collected my likes on posts

  "reactions": [
      "timestamp": 1569322034,
      "data": [
          "reaction": {
            "reaction": "LIKE",
            "actor": "Bo Woopsie"
      "title": "Bo Woopsie likes Roosje Klap's post."
      "timestamp": 1568990971,
      "data": [
          "reaction": {
            "reaction": "LIKE",
            "actor": "Bo Woopsie"
      "title": "Bo Woopsie likes Shinyoung Kim's photo."
      "timestamp": 1568757503,
      "data": [
          "reaction": {
            "reaction": "LIKE",
            "actor": "Bo Woopsie"
      "title": "Bo Woopsie likes Cramer Florian's album: Public Library | Latag."
      "timestamp": 1567672802,
      "data": [
          "reaction": {
            "reaction": "LIKE",
            "actor": "Bo Woopsie"
      "title": "Bo Woopsie likes Michel Hoogervorst's photo."

Step 2: Visualizing my labour

http.server (possible plan: in my Pi working with Screen
Visualizing my likes in timeline
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>Let's publish our labour</title>
		<style type="text/css">
			svg {
				border: 1px solid gray;
			circle.item {
				fill: green;


		<div id="content"></div>
		<svg id="graph" width=5000 height=100></svg>

	<script src="d3/d3.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

		d3.json ("posts_and_comments.json").then(data => {
			console.log("data", data)

			let start = d3.min(data.reactions, d=>d.timestamp),
				end = d3.max(data.reactions, d=>d.timestamp);
			console.log("min", start, "max", end);

			let	pos = d3.scaleLinear().domain([start, end]).range([0, 5000]);
			window.pos = pos;"#graph")
				.attr("cx", d => pos(d.timestamp))
				.attr("cy", 10)
				.attr("r", 2)
				.attr("class", "item")
				.text(d => d.title);
				//same as: .text(function(d) { return d.title });


Step 3: Adding more datas to compare

Added 'other_peoples_posts_to_your_timeline.json' & 'likes_on_external_sites.json'

<script type="text/javascript">
	d3.json ("posts_and_comments.json").then(data => {
		console.log("data", data)

		let start = d3.min(data.reactions, d=>d.timestamp),
			end = d3.max(data.reactions, d=>d.timestamp);
		console.log("min", start, "max", end);

		let	pos = d3.scaleLinear().domain([start, end]).range([0, 5000]);
		window.pos = pos;"#graph")
			.attr("x", d => pos(d.timestamp))
			.attr("y", 0)
			.attr("width", 2)
			.attr("height", 2)
			.attr("class", "item")
			.text(d => d.title)
			//same as: .text(function(d) { return d.title });

	d3.json ("likes_on_external_sites.json").then(data => {
		console.log("data", data)

		let start = d3.min(data.other_likes, d=>d.timestamp),
			end = d3.max(data.other_likes, d=>d.timestamp);
		console.log("min", start, "max", end);

		let	pos = d3.scaleLinear().domain([start, end]).range([0, 5000]);
		window.pos = pos;"#graph")
			.attr("cx", d => pos(d.timestamp))
			.attr("cy", 10)
			.attr("r", 2)
			.attr("class", "item2")
			.text(d => d.title);

	d3.json ("other_peoples_posts_to_your_timeline.json").then(data => {
		data = data.wall_posts_sent_to_you
		console.log("data3", data)

		let start = d3.min(data.activity_log_data, d=>d.timestamp),
			end = d3.max(data.activity_log_data, d=>d.timestamp);
		console.log("min", start, "max", end);

		let	pos = d3.scaleLinear().domain([start, end]).range([0, 5000]);
		window.pos = pos;"#graph")
			.attr("cx", d => pos(d.timestamp))
			.attr("cy", 15)
			.attr("r", 2)
			.attr("class", "item3")
			.text(d => d.title);

Step 4: Writing into a new style of Javascript

I loaded different JSON files every time. What is interesting to see is to see the whole timeline of my labour. Problem of this way of coding is that they're stretched and not in a same scale. To make them in a same timeline, I need to find total minimum and maximam. Therefore I re-write with a new style of Javascript that allows you to write linearly.

New Javascript terms

  • Promises

The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value. instead of immediately returning the final value, the asynchronous method returns a promise to supply the value at some point in the future.

  • Async

Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript.

  • Await

The await operator is used to wait for a Promise.

<script type="text/javascript">
async function loaddata () {

	var data1 = await d3.json ("posts_and_comments.json"),
		data2 = await d3.json ("likes_on_external_sites.json"),
		data3 = await d3.json ("other_peoples_posts_to_your_timeline.json");
		console.log("loaded", data1, data2, data3);

		let start1 = d3.min(data1.reactions, d=>d.timestamp),
			end1 = d3.max(data1.reactions, d=>d.timestamp);
		console.log("1 min", start1, "max", end1);

		let start2 = d3.min(data2.other_likes, d=>d.timestamp),
		end2 = d3.max(data2.other_likes, d=>d.timestamp);
		console.log("2 min", start2, "max", end2);

		data3 = data3.wall_posts_sent_to_you;
		let start3 = d3.min(data3.activity_log_data, d=>d.timestamp),
			end3 = d3.max(data3.activity_log_data, d=>d.timestamp);
		console.log("3 min", start3, "max", end3);
		let start = Math.min(start1, start2, start3),
			end = Math.max(end1, end2, end3);

		let	pos = d3.scaleLinear().domain([start, end]).range([0, 5000]);
		window.pos = pos;"#graph")
			.attr("x", d => pos(d.timestamp))
			.attr("y", 0)
			.attr("width", 2)
			.attr("height", 2)
			.attr("class", "item")
			.text(d => d.title)
			//same as: .text(function(d) { return d.title });"#graph")
			.attr("cx", d => pos(d.timestamp))
			.attr("cy", 10)
			.attr("r", 2)
			.attr("class", "item2")
			.text(d => d.title);"#graph")
			.attr("cx", d => pos(d.timestamp))
			.attr("cy", 15)
			.attr("r", 2)
			.attr("class", "item3")
			.text(d => d.title);


Step 5: Creating a list of timestamp: legend

<script type="text/javascript">
		let start_date = new Date(start*1000),
			end_date = new Date(end*1000);
		console.log(start_date, end_date);

		let legend_dates = [];
		for (let year = start_date.getYear(); year <= end_date.getYear(); year ++) {
			legend_dates.push(new Date(1900+year, 0, 1));
		console.log("legend dates", legend_dates)"#graph")
			.attr("class", "legend")
			.text(d => d.toString());


ex) January 1 in each year
legend dates
Array (10)
0 Fri Jan 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
1 Sat Jan 01 2011 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
2 Sun Jan 01 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
3 Tue Jan 01 2013 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
4 Wed Jan 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
5 Thu Jan 01 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
6 Fri Jan 01 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
7 Sun Jan 01 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
8 Mon Jan 01 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
9 Tue Jan 01 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)


Labour investigation in digital activity

A second experiment on visualising free labour from digital activities, in this case, mouse movement on the web. This tool recognizes the mouse movement, when it's clicked, and where with the coordination.

Labour Experiment #2: Tracking mouse movement on web.

<script type="text/javascript">
 * Mus.js v1.1.0
 * (c) 2018 Mauricio Giordano <> - InEvent
 * Released under the MIT License.
(function (global, factory) {
	typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
	typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
	(global.Mus = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';

// Mus default cursor icon based on OSx default cursor
var cursorIcon = '';

 * Mus constructor that defines initial variables and
 * sets browser width and height.
 * @knownbug: if user decides to change browser window size on-the-go
 * 		it may cause bugs during playback
function Mus() {
	if (this === undefined) {
		console.error('Have you initialized Mus with "new" statement? (i.e. var mus = new Mus())');
	this.frames = [];
	this.timeouts = [];
	this.pos = 0;
	this.currPos = 0;
	this.startedAt = 0;
	this.finishedAt = 0;
	this.timePoint = false;
	this.recording = false;
	this.playing = false;
	this.playbackSpeed = this.speed.NORMAL;
	this.window = {
		width : window.outerWidth,
		height : window.outerHeight

	// Stores initial listeners
	this.onmousemove = window.onmousemove;
	this.onmousedown = window.onmousedown;
	this.onscroll = window.onscroll;

 * Here goes all Mus magic
Mus.prototype = {
	/** Mus Listeners **/

	 * Listener intended to be used with onmousemove
	 * @param callback function a callback fnc
	 * @return function the mouse move listener
	moveListener : function(callback) {
		return function(e) {
			if (callback) callback(['m', e.clientX, e.clientY]);

	 * Listener intended to be used with onmousedown
	 * @param callback function a callback fnc
	 * @return function the mouse click listener
	clickListener : function(callback) {
		return function(e) {
			if (callback) callback(['c', e.clientX, e.clientY]);

	 * Listener intended to be used with onscroll
	 * @param callback function a callback fnc
	 * @return function the window scroll listener
	scrollListener : function(callback) {
		return function(e) {
			if (callback) callback(['s', document.scrollingElement.scrollLeft, document.scrollingElement.scrollTop]);

	/** Mus recording tools **/

	 * Starts screen recording
	record : function(onFrame) {
		if (this.recording) return;

		var self = this;
		if (self.startedAt == 0) self.startedAt = new Date().getTime() / 1000;

		// Sets initial scroll position of the window
		self.frames.push(['s', document.scrollingElement.scrollLeft, document.scrollingElement.scrollTop]);
		// Defines Mus listeners on window
		window.onmousemove = this.moveListener(function(pos) {
			self.frames.push(self.timePoint ? pos.concat(new Date().getTime() - (self.startedAt * 1000)) : pos);
			if (onFrame instanceof Function) onFrame();
		window.onmousedown = this.clickListener(function(click) {
			self.frames.push(self.timePoint ? click.concat(new Date().getTime() - (self.startedAt * 1000)) : click);
			if (onFrame instanceof Function) onFrame();
		window.onscroll = this.scrollListener(function(scroll) {
			self.frames.push(self.timePoint ? scroll.concat(new Date().getTime() - (self.startedAt * 1000)) : scroll);
			if (onFrame instanceof Function) onFrame();

		// Sets our recording flag
		self.recording = true;

	 * Stops screen recording
	stop : function() {
		this.finishedAt = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
		window.onmousemove = this.onmousemove;
		window.onmousedown = this.onmousedown;
		window.onscroll = this.onscroll;

		// Sets our recording flag
		this.timeouts = [];
		this.recording = false;
		this.playing = false;
		this.pos = 0;

	 * Pauses current execution
	pause : function() {
		if (this.playing) {
			this.pos = this.currPos;
			this.playing = false;

	 * Runs a playback of a recording
	 * @param function onfinish a callback function
	play : function(onfinish) {
		if (this.playing) return;

		var self = this;

		var node = document.getElementById("musCursor");

		for (; self.pos < self.frames.length; self.pos++) {
			var delay = self.frames[self.pos].length > 3 ?
				self.frames[self.pos][3] : self.pos * self.playbackSpeed;

			self.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function(pos) {

				// Plays specific timeout
				self.playFrame(self, self.frames[pos], node);
				self.currPos = pos;

				if (pos == self.frames.length - 1) { = "transparent";
					self.timeouts = [];
					self.playing = false;
					self.pos = 0;
					if (onfinish) onfinish();
			}, delay, self.pos));

		this.playing = true;

	 * Releases Mus instance
	release : function() {
		this.frames = [];
		this.startedAt = 0;
		this.finishedAt = 0;

	/** Mus internal functions **/

	 * Play a specific frame from playback
	playFrame : function(self, frame, node) {

		if (frame[0] == 'm') { = self.getXCoordinate(frame[1]) + "px"; = self.getYCoordinate(frame[2]) + "px";

		} else if (frame[0] == 'c') {
			self.createClickSnapshot(frame[2], frame[1]);

		} else if (frame[0] == 's') {
			window.scrollTo(frame[1], frame[2]);


	 * Clears all timeouts stored
	clearTimeouts : function() {
		for (var i in this.timeouts) {

		this.timeouts = [];

	 * Calculates time elapsed during recording
	 * @return integer time elapsed
	timeElapsed : function() {
		return this.finishedAt - this.startedAt;

	 * Creates Mus cursor if non-existent
	createCursor : function() {
		if (!document.getElementById("musCursor")) {
			var node = document.createElement("div"); = "musCursor"; = "fixed"; = "32px"; = "32px"; = "-100%"; = "-100%"; = "32px"; = "url(" + cursorIcon + ")";

	 * Destroys Mus cursor
	destroyCursor : function() {
		var cursor = document.getElementById("musCursor");
		if (cursor) cursor.remove();

	 * Creates Mus click snapshot
	createClickSnapshot : function(x, y) {
		var left = document.scrollingElement.scrollLeft;
		var top = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
		var node = document.createElement("div");
		node.className = "musClickSnapshot"; = "absolute"; = "32px"; = "32px"; = (x + top) + "px"; = (y + left) + "px"; = "32px"; = "red"; = 0.2;

	 * Destroys Mus click snapshot
	destroyClickSnapshot : function() {
		var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("musClickSnapshot");
		while (nodes.length > 0) {

	 * Calculates current X coordinate of mouse based on window dimensions provided
	 * @param x integer the x position
	 * @return integer calculated x position
	getXCoordinate : function(x) {
		if (window.outerWidth > this.window.width) {
			return parseInt(this.window.width * x / window.outerWidth);

		return parseInt(window.outerWidth * x / this.window.width);

	 * Calculates current Y coordinate of mouse based on window dimensions provided
	 * @param y integer the y position
	 * @return integer calculated y position
	getYCoordinate : function(y) {
		if (window.outerHeight > this.window.height) {
			return parseInt(this.window.height * y / window.outerHeight);

		return parseInt(window.outerHeight * y / this.window.height);

	/** Public getters and setters **/

	 * Get all generated Mus data
	 * @return array generated Mus data
	getData : function() {
		return {
			frames : this.frames,
			timeElapsed : this.timeElapsed(),
			window : {
				width : window.outerWidth,
				height : window.outerHeight

	 * Get point time recording flag
	 * @return boolean point time flag
	isTimePoint : function() {
		return this.timePoint;

	 * Sets generated Mus data for playback
	 * @param data array generated Mus data
	setData : function(data) {
		if (data.frames) this.frames = data.frames;
		if (data.window) this.window = data.window;

	 * Sets recorded frames for playback
	 * @param frames array the frames array
	setFrames : function(frames) {
		this.frames = frames;

	 * Sets custom window size for playback
	 * @param width integer window width
	 * @param height integer window height
	setWindowSize : function(width, height) {
		this.window.width = width;
		this.window.height = height;

	 * Sets a playback speed based on Mus speed set
	 * @param speed integer the playback speed
	setPlaybackSpeed : function(speed) {
		this.playbackSpeed = speed;

	 * Sets point time recording for accurate data
	 * @param 
	setTimePoint : function(timePoint) {
		this.timePoint = timePoint;

	 * Informs if Mus is currently recording
	 * @return boolean is recording?
	isRecording : function() {
		return this.recording;

	 * Informs if Mus is currently playing
	 * @return boolean is playing?
	isPlaying : function() {
		return this.playing;

	/** Mus speed constants **/

	speed : {
		SLOW : 35,
		NORMAL : 15,
		FAST : 5


return Mus;

