User:)biyibiyibiyi(/grad project/repeater narration

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Narrative Video on Repeater


caption pointing stick caption oversized repeater made from cardboard

the repeater prop was inspired by how Haraway put masking tapes on the monitors...


Phrases I collected on Xianyu, the trading app

An Archaeology of Repeaters: Stickers, User Narratives, Designs.

公务员标准英语300句两盒录音带,三字经录音带一盒.流行歌曲一盒。 Gift in package: 2 cassette tape recordings of 300 English Phrases for Civil Servants; 1 cassette tape The Three Character Canon; 1 cassette tape pop songs.

磁带(卡带)播放,复读,录音比对,功能完好,喜欢收藏的可考虑。自提,谢谢!Cassette tape playing, repeating, comparing audio clips. Great for collectors.

童年最奢侈的礼物——复读机,那会并没有用它学英语,可能都听了周杰棍的双截龙了,喜欢私信我。 The most luxurious gift in childhood - the repeater. Didn’t use it to learn English at the time, all spent to listen Jay Chou’s pop songs! Message me if you like.

童年记忆不包邮,售出后不退换。 Shipping not included for childhood memory, no return.

没用、本想买给孩子用、结果不用、就这么搁置了 Didn’t use it, bought it for my kids, they didn’t use and left it idle.

大学英语听力全靠它 Backed me up for English dictation in college.

初中时买的,总共就用了一两次,还是全新的 另附赠小学英语磁带。 Bought it in middle school, give away two primary school English tape recordings for free.

⚽️这款复读机六年级买的原价300元 ⚽️因为初中都没怎么用哈哈哈哈哈用了不到十次 Bought it in six grade, it cost 300 RMB. I used it less than ten times in middle school hahaha.

小学生,中学生用。只支持自取,当面交易。无锡太湖高中西门附近 For elementary school students and middle school students. Pick up only - near the west gate of Wuxi Taihu High School.

高考听力磁带复读机 九新 当年高考完了没怎么用 Used for national college examination English dictation, didn’t use it after the examination.

屏幕可放单词 功能多多 外送两个娃娃 买到就是赚到 速来 The screen can play words, lots of functions; give away two dolls! Win if you buy, buy quick!

小博士复读机 满满的回忆 给钱就卖 Little Doctor repeater, loaded full of memories. Willing to sell if you pay anything!

我已经长大了,不再需要听高中英语磁带了 I am all grown up now and I don’t need to listen to high school English tape recordings anymore. 以前练听力买的,没用了多久,和新的没区别,就是贴了点贴纸(以前比较幼稚) Used for practicing dictation before, I didn’t use it for long and good as new. Put some stickers on (was childish before).

收拾屋子翻出来的老物件了,学习不好,用得不多,谁稀罕拿走吧。 Found this piece of old gadget cleaning up the house. My studies were not very good, didn't use it often, whoever cares take it away.

在家学英语的好工具,一套七年级上下册英语磁带一起打包售价65元,可以单出复读机。邮费自理,发快递到付。 Great tool to learn English from home. Can combine seventh grade English recording tapes or without.

复读鸡复读机 宝贝买来几乎没用过 适合哪种经常用磁带的人 My baby barely used it since buying. Suitable for those who use tape recording often.

我去年给儿子买的,回家只是打开试听一下,怎想到之后愣是没碰过,哎,不是读书的料。索性转手卖了算了。小霸王名牌的哦,一直放在窗边外包装有点褪色了,性能跟音质绝对是OK的,大家可以放心。 I bought it for my son last year, only listened for a try out at home, never touched it again since, aye, my son is not suitable for studying, I will sell it away after all. This is name brand, the color faded as we put it aside by the window, but the functions and sound quality are absolutely OK, you can be assured.

孩子高年级而闲置 Left idle because my kid advanced onto higher grades.

孩子学英语利器 不要给孩子买点读机ipad这种没什么用还伤眼睛的电子产品!学英语还是复读机最实用! Great tool for learning English. Don't buy your kids gadgets like the reading machines and iPads,they are useless, and they are bad for the eyes! The repeater is the most practical for learning English!

步步高复读机 我记得很好用,好久不用了。 I remember it was very good in use, haven't used it for quite a while.

复读机,还记得吗?有意者私聊 Repeater, remember that? Message if interested.

复读机出售 2005年姑娘上小学买的,特别好,后来用不上了,一直舍不得卖。新年了,还非常好用,买时挺贵。 Repeater for sale. Bought it for my daughter when she was in primary school in 2005, it was very good, but not in use afterwards, too precious to sell. It's the new year and it's still very good, was quite expensive when we bought it.

这可是老东西了,90后的回忆,06年3月12买的,14年了,具有收藏价值,自从用了它妈妈再也不用担心我的学习,哪里不会按哪里~ This is a piece of old gadget, memories of the post-90s generation, bought it on March 12th, 2006, fourteen years, it's of collectable value. As I use it my mother is never worried about my studies!

当年学英语的时候还是很认真的。挂出来给同龄人收藏。 I was very serious learning English back then! Putting it online for folks around my age to collect.

复古好物回收,当年用它听过英语磁带,更听过周杰伦、蔡依林、S.H.E、孙燕姿、林俊杰。 喜欢收藏的亲看过来啦~

Vintage recycle, used it to listen to English recording tapes, but also the music of Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, S.H.E., Stefanie Sun, and J.J. Lin (names of pop musicians).

  1. 8090集体回忆#妈妈再也不用担心我的学习!一台步步高复读机,几乎是每个90后都有的回忆,只不过大多数人都弄丢了,但我的还在。虽然说是为了学习买的,但是小时候我都是用它来听周杰伦的磁带的,晒出来秀一下不卖,毕竟人类的本质就是复读机!!!
  1. Collective memory of 8090 generation Repeater is a shared memory of everyone born after the 90s, only that many have lost theirs, but mine is till here. Although it's purchased for studying, but I used to to listen to Jay Chou's tape recordings, just listing it and not selling – after all, the human nature is about REPEATING!

媳妇心血来潮要买一个用 My wife bought one spontaneously.

仅保证能听英语学习类磁带 听歌曲的慎重考虑 复读机主要用来学习英语用的 听歌还是建议买专用随身听 Can only guarantee listening to tape recordings for learning English, caution for listening to music. The repeater is mainly for learning English, for music you should buy professional walkman.

学习英语用,要听歌不如用手机 For learning English, for music use mobile phones instead.

人教版英语八年级上下册5盘磁带打包 我高中了就没有用了,这是步步高最后一款复读机。当时用了中考最后两个月。 I am in high school now and it's not in use any more. The last edition of repeaters from BBK. Used it the last two months for High School Entrance Examination.

怀旧收音机复古随身听复读机小录音机小收音机老剃须刀老复读机老耳机 鐘情舊時光✔ 販賣⁶⁰/⁷⁰/⁸⁰/⁹⁰記憶裏物品 ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ 乡村怀旧场景布置 ᝰ 文艺复古空间造景 商业布景创意软装 ᝰ 主题设计摄影道具 最好打包全部拿走,单出麻烦。 Retro Radio Walkman Repeater Mini Recorder Radio Razor Headphones For props in countryside retro nostalgia set design ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ Better to buy in bulk, troublesome sell one by one.