Radio Radio

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Revision as of 23:12, 26 October 2023 by Vitrinekast (talk | contribs)

Documentation of creating the radio radio

Compressing the shit out of audio files

Using a combination of sox and ffmpeg, i was able to get the following step-by-step result, all towards lowering the filesize of the input audio. Mediawiki limits the use of .wav, .opus and .ogg, so slightly altered results. But using wav's, i got to the following From 25.3MB Flac to 1.7MB .mp3 and 369KB Opus!

Protocol for compression

ffmpeg -i input.flac -b:a 8k 1_output_lowest_bitrate.wav
sox 1_output_lowest_bitrate.wav -c 1 2_output_mono.wav
sox 2_output_mono.wav -r 8000 3_output_lowest_sample_rate.wav
sox 3_output_lowest_sample_rate.wav -b 8 4_output_lowest_bit_depth.wav
sox -v 0.02 4_output_lowest_bit_depth.wav -G 5_output_dynamic-range.wav compand 0.1,0.3 -60,-60,-30,-15,-20,-12,-4,-8,-2,-7 -2
ffmpeg -i 5_output_dynamic-range.wav -c:a libvorbis output.ogg
ffmpeg -i 5_output_dynamic-range.wav -b:a 192k output.mp3
ffmpeg -i 5_output_dynamic-range.wav -c:a libopus -b:a 16k output.opus

Creating a private radio stream

- using icecast and darkIce