Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/21-06-2021 -Event 1

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LB2 9:30 - ±18:30 Final assessment: -day 1 Online with Simon, Ine, David, Rossella, Barend, Natasha and Una Henry as the external examiner

Please have your assessment presentation archived, link below of page] and delivered wetransfer to staff by the start of the day Thursday 17th.

  • 20 Minutes: give a presentation in the video chatroom, making use of the wiki to show us: your graduation project (and thesis should they overlap and support each other)
  • 15 Minutes: the panel can ask questions regarding what you presented
  • 15 Minutes: we ask you to leave, so the panel can discuss your research and representation, during this time you wait in ZOOM again, once we're done talking, we'll call you back in
  • 20 minutes: we will discuss with you your Final project and give you feedback.
  • 5 minutes: panel compare notes and finalise decisions
  • Total per student:  1 hour 15 minutes - 10 min break between
       09:30 - 09:50 day 1,  assessor meet and greet
       09:50 - 11:05: Annalisa
       11:15 - 12:30: Thy
       12:40: - 13:55: Lea
       13:55 - 14:55:  —-> 60-MINUTE BREAK
       14:55 - 16:15: Yu-Ching
       16:25 - 17:40: Jelle
       17:40 - 18:20 Kamali (trim4 re-assessment)
  • assessment format Kamali
  • 20 minutes: initial student presentation
  • 5 minutes: the panel can ask questions regarding the material you have presented both orally and in advance.
  • 5 Minutes: we ask you to leave, so the panel can discuss your research and presentation
  • 10 minutes: the panel will discuss with you your research and give you feedback.
       18:20 - 18:30:  -day 1 wrap-up - prep day 2
       Meeting ID: 993 3929 6295
       Passcode: 022846
  • One tap mobile
       +31207946520,,99339296295#,,,,*022846# Netherlands
       +31207947345,,99339296295#,,,,*022846# Netherlands

Dial by your location

       +31 20 794 6520 Netherlands
       +31 20 794 7345 Netherlands