Day One: March 14
GL:Duncan Speakman
GL:Frans-Willem Korsten
History of Narratology: Travelling concepts Aristotle, poetics; history vs Poetics Narrative vs plot Plato, republic,showing and telling - mimesis and diegesis speaking indirectly and directly Russian formalism Vladimir Propp Prague structurealism Roman Jakobson French structuralism 1950s-1960s Claude Levi-strauss ----> narratology Poststructuralism Narratology Tzvetan Todorov Roland Barthes Claude Bremond Algirdas Greimas Gerard Genette Structuralist, combined with semiotics and rhetoric => aesthetic and political implications James Plhelan Mieke Bal Basic concepts: forms of address Helper Power | | Subject ------------------------->Aim | | Oppen 看不清楚 narr B---->c about x poetry k----> o/ drama p<---->q text as in the case of literature maria dermout how to tell and how to show story:toetie collected works -text > narrator -story > focalization -history > actor Karakter,1997 by mike van diem law --------------------- language narrative