User:Pleun/pt/python notes

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Revision as of 18:38, 17 November 2015 by Pleun (talk | contribs)
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pleun@pzivm01:~$ who
pleun@pzivm01:/var/www/html/images$ cacaview catzilla.jpg
pleun@pzivm01:~$ figlet -f script TEXT | nwrite USERNAME

pleun@pzivm01:~$ figlet | write USERNAME
pleun@pzivm01:~$ date +%A
pleun@pzivm01:~$ whoami

cgi: instead of serving it's going to run python.

Apache = server MySQL = database

Python cgi can do almost anything PHP does. PHP was custom made for dynamic webpages.

LAMP software bundel = Linux + Apache + PHP + MySQL

node: way to bring javascript to the server

echo $HOME echo $PWD echo $USER