User:Castrobot/Making It Public-Notes
Florian: off line curation
Curation as Publishing / publishing as a curation
How to publish these days hybridly as a small project? DIY approach.
Hybrid: electronic is not the upgrade of print. In a world as where print and pixels will exists.
Digital and print become one integrated process. But not really
People Personal are interested in using these tools as pieces of curation.
Collections are not something new. What is new is the medium -
Barroque libraries were more collection of books where would matter was the whole not the individual books. Curators would be someone that would make sense out of the mess.
Origin of words: natural science -> computer -> art -> art/new media (Tumblr)
difference between curator and librarian? librarians dealt with mass-media; curators dealt with unique objects. Which has changed. That change began to be felt in samizdat - with the reproduction of forbidden books.
Samizdat went online - Sebatian Ludgert - book piracy culture
- design is a key in both paper and digital publications
- incapacity to outsource
- chalange to change workflow
- impossibility to make a book without outside funding
- the cost of art book
- what is the role of the publisher? specially in digital/hybrid publishing
- publisher as filter for information
Some of the subject that are arriving at Valiz are more suitable for digital. why go epub publishing?
- access, easy distribution (but there is nothing for distributors in digital publishing)
- different audiences - that can reach audiences outside Europoe
- searchable
- no physical limitations of how many pages a binding technique can sustain
Negative aspects:
- not cheaper - (only print costs are not there; design fee are higher)
- BTW for paper books 6%; for digital books 21%
- smaller market
- design limitations, less control
- images become more evidently mediated
- sales going through distributors such as ibooks - who have their own extension and abide by their rules
- %5 book sales a digital
The change in production workflow in digital publishing
- how do you make a book?
- the set of questions that form the conception of the book is always the same
- designer - hybrid? digital? paper?
The first change comes from the author:
- authors using Markdown would be ideal; but they accept doc
- copyrighter - still the same
- conversion to markdown
DRM - expensive DRM to 18.000 - since piracy exist the books are not protect and CC
- Colm: translation in the publication - rules that can make the narrative evolve.
The point that the narrative will need to translate into something generative.
- Samira: 2 stages. Narratives fragments. Overall concept of the project
- Nadine: typographic
- Nate: tools for implementing structure
- Max: tech - translating formats. Digitizing
- Stone: ?target audience? Tech - future design
- Chloe: ... conceptual role
- Sara: thinking technically as part of the conceptual stage - looking at the material - what decisions in relation to each work
- Julia: conceptual role
- Pleun: Graphic design; technical side
Groups - the role of the groups
Reading exercise Wed
- choosing a random medium or tool
- mediating the output of that tool onto another one
Computer produced works, always have two layers - visible and code - very different from one another. It's immateriality becomes something very different that other media.
homework for tuesday
- collectively describe the groups role and goals in the publication production
- individual describe your individual role within you group
Michael's presentations - discussions
- electronic archive - materials that turn into numbers, becoming fluid, transformable.
Proposal: Colm, ...
A recipe for automation, sustainability, updatability
Any moment can produce a book.
there are rules for handling non-text works.
"a metadata structure agreement"
How do we accommodate for other types of content or outputs that are present at the moment.
Restrictions for data to be put inside.
Minimum conditions for each work to be integrated into the work.
"The book of the future will not simply imitate the forms of a codex migrated onto new platforms … It will arise from an analysis of the functions of each element of design for the purpose of navigation, orientation, representation, reference and commentary and then rethink the ways the capacities of networked electronic environments can extent these functionalities and encode them in a innovative approach to design".
Johanna Drucker Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production.
It catalogs
- Max: how do you approach the variety of media? Like physical objects?
- Andre: how to handle the objects?
- Andre: examples of similar approaches?
Sara, Samira, Julia
Do we want to get things in order and create a catalog. Or do we want to continue to continue with the process of documentation - where the document is something is not that of authenticity, but the creation of variations - distortion, subtraction, addition -
A narration on the subject?
What to do with the content itself?
shifting meaning: work, documentation.
abstracting - elaborating on the conceptual nature of documentation.
Nadine, Chloe, Max, Stone
- Necessity for narrative structure
- Difficulty of elaborating on missing documents
- Description
- Missing documentation as elements that are missing from the story
- Archive as File system - Epub as a zip - narrative
- video described in text
- another dimension by transcribing something on to textual/oral language.
(Mother Earth Mother Board)
- Wikidata
- aim provide a database of linked data
- same information, centralized
- neutral point of view
- why is not possible to have disagreeing position
- a space to create original research
- new works/projects on wikipedia - are often deleted by deletionists
Documentation overview
Group 2015
- Did a categorical overview
- Need for context to understand the work
- Lidia's work presents another representation of the work.
- Documentation strategy -
Group 2014
- raw materials that were also stored.
Group 2013
- lack of documents - files not present.
- file naming
- work medium
- documentation medium
- video
- Need for context to understand the work, but Drone and Narratives of Deception
--- moving ahead
- What is not present
- naming structure - problematic
Reading list: key arguments
Hayles, Katherine. Writing Machines
Chapters: 1,2,3
- the work being influenced by the materiality of its inscription technologies
- artist's book and concrete poetry reflect upon and expose this influence of the inscription technologies. (22:05, 27 September 2015 (CEST) will also include some web art works - Jodi - or glitch art though the introduction of errors).
elaboration ideas:
- how is the current writing inscription technologies affecting what is being written? Examples of this influence are clear in music the 3' song form that result form the duration of a side from a 78rpm record.
- can the publication of works across multiple media, like in hybrid publishing, inhibit the dialog and reflection between work and inscription technology?
- links to other texts:
- Lori Emmerson: the influence of writing interfaces - typewriter, computer terminal, ipad - on the text works produce with them.
- Johanna Drucker "A Centruy of Artists Books": artists books as self-reflexive objects
- Johanna Drucker "Graphesis": proposals for exploration of writing technologies - footnotes, taes of contents, referencing, etc - in digital and networked environments.