User:Emily/Thematic Project/Trimester 03/04
"No-Matter-What" & Bruno Latour, Where are the missing masses? The sociology of a few mundane artifacts, 1992 in: Object Reader, p. 229-254
Latour's notion of artifacts
- flat look at human and thing (equal)
- technology has profound impact on sociality
- "The bizarre idea that society might be made up of human relations is a mirror image of the other no less bizarre idea that techniques might be made up of nonhuman relations"
- "any artifact is only a portion of a program of action and of the fight necessary to win against many antiprograms"
Draw two columns:
in the left-hand column write down the gentle pushing (or pulling) they have to do to fulfil the same tasks)
in the right-hand column, list the work people would have to do if they had no door
Tristan Garcia, Form and Object - A Treatise on Things, Edinburgh University Press 2014 (Presses Universitaires de France 2010), p. 19-38: "No-Matter-What"