Overview notes

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structures of control

computer protocols

regulation of attention

the stimulation of desire

the stimulation of consumption

all senses


associations with the senses




language to be learned

level of surface

skin/nose/eye/ear - surfaces

taken for granted

only become visible when on breakdown

visibility is necessary to continually renew its political effect

All visibility is situated

Form is loosened from technical function

Mediating exchange over distance

Binding people and things into complex heterogeneous systems

little relation to reality

Excessive fantastic object that generates desire and awe

Encode the dreams of individuals and societies

Vehicles whereby fantasies are transmitted and made emotionally real

Fantasies that stand as filters through which the object is seen

shaping modern society and realizing the future

Mechanisms to control time

Instigating waves of societal progress

Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic god

promoting circulation

bring about change

enact progress

gain freedom

one technological system comes to dominate over others

when independent systems converge into a network

a technical system originates in one place

move to other places with differing conditions, technological standards, and legal regulations

elaborating techniques of adaption and translation

Practices of routinazation and extension

Requiring an Account of translation (which can be technical, managerial and financial)

matter that enable the movement of other matter

They are things and also the relation between things

Present to the senses

Displaced in the focus of the matter

System of substrates

Clear, linear relationship between underlying system and the phenomenal world to which it gives rise

division or contrast between Mind-body

The educational and cultural competence needed to understand its functioning and to operate it


early technical choices get reinforced as subsequent system elements are built around or on top of them

A wide variety of actors were in a constant tug-of-war or negotiation for the future of the system




dependence on human practices


(growth in) momentum

(growth in) Interia/trajectory



seamless interconnection

translation from one system (or network) to another

Digital natives


user friendly


context specific




primitive or template for its template for its parents

social choices

transfer across space

transfer across context

growth in scale


It’s infrastructures all the way down

beyond the control of mere human programmers and analysts

computing werewolves


the subordinate parts (of an undertaking/foundation)

service regarded as essential

system without which contemporary societies cannot function

participate in a common visual and conceptual paradigm of what it means to be modern

elements internal to the object itself, formed as part of a system

originating from outside

obtain from a source externally



different networks


serving to indicate or point out