Internet Yami-ichi/Tamichi2015
Yamichi Online Black Market 9/10 MAY 2015
Black market education selling classes Giving lessons - Bik Van de Pol - being able to listen into the classes work with the cost of the education.
Lucia = reproduce something there , advertisement tracking , talk to each booth , create competition advertisement. Work as recommendation algorithm. Offer a critical text sell internet (?) you can buy old block, tracking people round the market. selling recommendations. students , trendsetters. Adblock PZI students
Joak - smart objects from albert hen. Internet water, mass rebranding of existing produce.
Joak - produce autograph cards with piet wart
Nikos - playing with money and the people who sell.
Nikos - contributing to new students outreach. Enroll.
Max Air'b'n'b' - donate money fundraise, everyone who pays a euro gets to com to a party at an air'b'n'b'. become a search engines piet zwart sponsership. raise the money for student loan Timeshare our studios. sell a tutorial with lecturer. portfolio generator Rentable library -
Make a video bootleg, sell downloaded films. Treat this as a collective booth. Do something with knowledge, sell coursework. Recommendation service. social framework Offline school.