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Soros: financial speculator

Buying into = ethics

Buy redemption from your consumerism Semantic over investment

Cynical reason includes price of its opposite (toms shoes)


1 point on one line of thought: Tradegy as a staple in our economy Capitalism: post modern vs the previous economic structure

Consumerer vs anti consumer environment

Cultural capitalism

Buying a product and buying into the ethics of the company. Into the ideology of their business

Redeem yourself from ur consumerism role in capitalism by buyimg fair trade coffee, tom shoes,

"Semantic over investment of burden"

Cynics, skeptics- but we buy the organic apples

The "organic" counters that burden we feel as the counsumer and redeems us from beung a consumer

What we should do is reconstruct society to eliminate private instead of giving money to the poor Charity degrades the poor "Worst slave owners were those who were kind to their slaves"

Global capitalism: Freedom Wellfare Security Tolerance

Cheap charitable optimism vs misanthropy

Things are socially and ecologically bad and were approaching a zero point , and end

There is hypocrisy in charity Help thr children of course, but think harder and make a system where those children in need dont need your help because the society is set up to help them with out the hand out from individuals