The Pervert’s guide to Ideology - Notes
Trashcan = Ideology
John, homeless worker, finds strange box sunglasses, when he puts them on the glasses gives a view of critic on ideology. It saws you the real messages, under need it.
We live in post ego logic society
Subject of pleasures, live a satisfying life
Ideology is a spontaneity relationship to or social world, so we can enjoy it. To step out of it, you have to force it to do it.
The critic you have to see very time, not only with glasses.
We do see the critic or proof, we are against that, we don’t want to wear the glasses.
Freedom hurts
Enjoyment and pleasures
Beauty and pleasures,
A non, with too much energy, too much sex energy, falls in love, can control it, desire..
The song gives, permission, the true hidden message
Guilty to not have pleasure, not enjoying enough,
commodity is not just an object
Is an ideological and metaphysical, it presents always reflect an invisible transients, its it
Coco cola
Mysteries something more, enjoinment, the more you drink it the more thirsty you get
Desire for a southern thing, desire for desire it self
A desire to continue desire
Surprise egg, the desire is materialist it is the plastic toy inside
Beethoven is a communist-song, big events, is ideology
The melody was uses in political way
In all over the world
At specialty at ‘left’ parties
Also with sport, at the Olympics
They all embracing,
Sometimes you are so moved, that feeling, you never know what,
Clockwork orange
Alex, the hero, why is he so overwhelmed, by the singing women
Beethoven becomes a carnival tune in the movie
Now Beethoven is the truth, failure of the official ideology
Beethoven was already a critic at ideology, that’s way it was so difficult
West side story
How do you know all of this, and still do it?
men is not a product of objective circumstances
of we subjective objective circumstances
of we react to them we constructing or own universe
reactions of people of dominate ideology, they don’t know how to react (protest)
all the violence acting out is something that you can’t put in words
Taxi driver
Violence to radical suicide
The fragile sociology
Travis in taxi driver
Travis is annoyed by the prostitute, he has fantasies
Fantasies are the ideology stuff
It’s a lie
Fantasy covers up
It’s a desire
Western : The searchers
In both films the hero treys to safe a women
The women, the victim, the violence wakes them because the victim refuse the help,
You try to help them, what if they don’t want your help, the outcomes is violence
It’s a reaction, to confusion
All the violence was suicidal
jaw attacks people on beach
the shark is a metaphor for Americans,
We fair
The shark, is one symbolic for one fair, all fairs
The dream is to have a cake and eat it
hierarch society
Society is modern and hierarchy, no classes
Results of society
Ideology as filter, frame
When you look at that frame, everything changes
The frame at nothing, but opens it
Racism, Try to imagine to see the other in enjoyment
Cabaret song Rammstein - Nazi in pre ideological state, elements
Starbucks coffee
You buy ideology
The posters with the messages, the money goes to something blabla
You’re not just a consumer at Starbucks, but a part of the commodity
Extending the horizon of ideology
Capitalism, has to circulate, to reproduce itself, to expend, to multiple itself, so everything can be sacrifice
Beauty is on the side of capitalism
Capitalism is always in crisis, and can’t be indestructible
always creating new products, but we forget the waste
accept the waste, to break out of it
we experience history- Walter Benjamin
I’m legend
Mute presents,
Ike the planes dessert
When they approach the wrack, metaphysical experience, a forbidden place
The classes, in the boot,
The story, the couple, is a supreme Hollywood ideological, has an obstacle
Ideology of true love
The different classes having contact
Safe the illusion of internal love
The fall of berlin
He couple holds the whole movie together, and some part hold or intention, this is how ideology works.
Full metal jacket
Obeying the rules
We become machines
Basic forms, ironic distance, like ‘MASH’ tv serie
Military Disciplines: marching, mixer of nonsense
You need to have unwritten rules, not only explicit rules
Never public recognized but crucial to the identification of a society group
Over identify, is, to close, you will end up killing yourself, like in full metal jacket
The dark knight - The joker
Lie functions
You need a lie to maintain order, to get trust in de public
Power needs authority
‘If there is no god, than everything is permitted’
When there is a god then it’s all permitted
History is the big other,
Ever existing people, but point of reference
Basic element
Secret order of things, faith, controlling or destiny
Order of appearances
A figure for stability
In order to exist as individual, we need a function of a big other, truth of ourselves, an agency in which to confess
There may be a real other, but there is no big other, where are alone
State bureaucracy the only remain contact with the dimension of the divine
Impenetrable bureaucracy divine and enjoyment
(Christ piece)
Hysteria is the way we questing our social identity
Address to the authority that address our identity
What’s is to divine desire
No point of reference which guarantees meaning
Change his face, and as person, (rebirth) he gets a new live a different live, the other person die
He missed old life
He followed his dream,
He can’t go back, he will be used as a new cadaver to create a new person
We are responsible for our dreams, we create them, they stage our desires
Change your dreams, to change reality
how come we can imagine the end of earth, but not a modern change
will the future arrives?