User:Luisa Moura/research/work/Luisa Moura, patron saints, 2014
Patron Saints are specific links to God’s Grace in the Catholic and Orthodox tradition. They play the role of tailored channels for people’s needs. Each one is known for their capacity to address particular problems, longings and fears. Besides their miraculous relationship with a certain field of action, they are also related to one specific country or profession, grounding believers in their enactment of faith. This hierarchy of communication is fundamental to render religion as a workable tool in everyday life. Generic prayer, to a Single Divine Ear, seems to be inconceivable to address human ordinary needs.
In a particular community people believe to be protected by their own Patron Saint. Despite the fact that others might be invoked in special occasions, the local Saint makes part of one's identity. Praying to the local Patron carries higher chances of success once he is believed to have higher responsibilities toward 'his' people. The Patrons not only carry messages to God, but also play the role of the advocate. They intercede for the Believer. Prayers address specifically this plea and sometimes the promise of something in return. The relationship between Patron Saint and Believer seems to have a very personal character: respect and close friendship. It is with immense care that people organize parties in their Patron's honor, with pure love that the statues are covered with flowers or even money.
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