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The Panopticon's Changing Geography
Jerome E. Dobson and Peter F. Fisher

Panopticon, Big Brother and now an electronic human tracking device. The cost has minimalized which is why everyone is tracked people allow it because we get benefits without realising it. The Panopticon has always stood for total surveillance discipline and control.
Surveillance technique has advanced. The Panopticon building stood for Utopion perfection of society. The second Panopticon - Television network, was enforcement of absolute tyranny. The third Panopticon - The Human Tracking System, has produced safety and security. The first Panopticon was seen as a place where morels, health, discipline could be adjusted to the will of the ones with power.
Big Brother was seen as a form of communism. CCTV is perceived as a good thing because they are - as they say - used for the solution of crimes. The tags that goods have for tracking don't arouse suspicion but it gets difficult when the item is for example a piece of clothing. This means the tracking device is on a person. There are different kinds of tracking devises.
Even normal cellphone signals can be used for tracking. GPS makes accuracy better. Even computers attached to the wifi network are tracked among the wireless antennas.
Something that is not slavery in analogue form is not slavery when digital. Though the act of controlling and monitoring anothers location is an incident of slavery.(This is confusing) But it shows that power takes over the mind. Idea of transparant Government can't happen when we want to keep our privacy. It's not just government but many smaller organisations.
Nowadays the monitoring is less word because of automated recognition and GIS. The use of CCTV is not positive as imagined. People use video to film themselves. Control cannot cover the whole, can only be covered to a certain aspect. These aspects are controlled to the way. There is of yet no one person who can watch without wanting to influence that he/she sees.
Panopticon one has a cheaper labor because only one person has to keep watch. But the building was expensive. Orwell's Big Brother has a cheaper maintenance, but asked a lot of personnel to monitor screens. Costs of human tracking system are as much as a monthly cellphone, because of the inflation as years go by. It's possible to track anyone eventually, for only a few dollars.
Pantopcion one has been a metaphor for all surveillance, from the building to the idea of tattling on your friends. Now we have choices in different techniques, so it's important to not think about the concrete matter. The panopticon was just as cruel as the original prison cells, the long lasting effect was the same to the individuals. This changed the idea that the Panopticon had a benefit. The Panopticon and Big Brother idea were both attached to a place and unmovable. The human tracking system van be applied anywhere and by or for anyone.
Big Brother had a negative attitude towards surveillance and gave a warning to invasion of privacy. But public place surveillance is approved (by society) because crime regulation. Or so they believe. The Human tracking system is approved more then its predesecors because its less visible and therefore less frightening its gives you 'security' and 'safety'. On the other hand its more frightening then ever because the system can be imp laced on anyone and everything. The 'inspector' can be anywhere, public or privacy.
The benefits of Panopticon Three give just as much risks. Even the only good uses change society. In the end the greatest risk is 'geoslavery' and it has no redeeming qualities.
The idea of an Panopticon Two used to be the greatest fear among society, but having gotten used to the technology, enjoying its many benefits, people have become blind to the fear.
Because the panopticon was seen as a metaphor instead of technology, the philosophers of that time didn't foresee the upcoming technological surveillance possibilities.
One of the biggest advantages of Panopticon Three is the fact that this system can bring power to anyone.
What is it that we are actually dealing with here? What is the problem. One of the issues is the trade off between security an safety against privacy and freedom. Who has the right over that authority? Shouldn't 'no slavery' mean that for 'no geoslavery' as well?
The fact that anyone can be tracked and controlled, by anyone, makes the panopticon Three a kind of social experiment. Equals and no equals can be equally powerful. Rach form of a panopticon over the last years was designed for total surveillance. This has been possible within their own format. Nowadays the benefits are greater, the geo coverage bigger and costs lower. Because of high benefits the public appeal to Panopticon Three is greater then ever. I'ts important to understand the technical side both and the metaphorical aspect of an instrument that is silently changing society.
