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Digital Vertigo - Andrew Keen

  • Overtaking of the social on the Web 2.0: social service, social page, social journalism, social app, social entrepeneurship, etc.
  • As we grow ever more connected, we become also more lonely and isolated -> ubiquity of networked communications, increasingly individualized and competitive nature of neoliberalism, the self-made man - we market ourselves, we are now in charge of the advertisement of our workforce. Detachment ("The future will be anything but social, I realized. That's the real killer app of the networked age")
  • The concept of hyper-reality (Eco): "a philosophy of immortality through duplication", "the completely real becomes identified with the completely fake"
  • The separation of the subject that social media architecture provokes.

Towards an Evil Media Studies - Matthew Fuller, Andrew Goffey

  • Technological management of certain characteristics of the human subject - behavioural studies -> it is about the efficiency of such techniques, not whether they are right or wrong (Stanley Milgramii)
  • "For those professionally or even incidentally embedded in media, to say that we are manipulated, that trickery and deception are effectively exercised on a regular basis, is not to deny that people cannot or do not think, but it would be to further deceive and manipulate ourselves to think that rational subjects are not outstripped by events."
  • The object strategies are evil in the sense that they ignore the need for a meaning, that is, they are orchestrated in such a way that, under the guise of innocence, they have free reign to go about their own machinal and deceitful ways.

Capital, Control, Community

  • "Pre-capitalist natural community - defined by direct human relations enacted entirely outwith the reach of economic interests"
  • "Capitalist material community - in which all relations are mediated by the productions and products of capitalism"
  • The social movement has become absolutely subordinated to the economic one.

The Principle of Notworking: Concepts in Critical Internet Culture - Geert Lovink

  • George Yudice -> Move from suspicion regarding culture towards the "productive view" - proposes to analyze culture as a resource, not as a commodity.
  • Internet Culture -> Culture mobilizes people
  • Dotcom bubble -> Online communication as "valve", social to financial proved a fail
  • Culture as a resource needs diversity, not monopolies
  • Net Culture = Infrastructure + Access
  • "The question is just how much of 'creative industries' policies is a hype in order to cover up structural problems within the Western Labour Market" -> it produces, at best, McJobs and runs mainly as voluntary labour. This cannot be discussed outside the broader frame of precarization of labour.

The Internet

  • Nostalgia -> The net as a medium in decline thanks to commercialism
  • Optimism -> The net as a holy thing that connects everything
  • Radical Pragmatism (Lovink) -> emphasizing of the 'trade-offs, misuses and the development of applications such as wikis, P2P and weblogs that reshape the new media field'
  • The culturalization of the web comes with 'mobilization and managements of populations', not merely understood in terms of control.
  • Culturalization can also be read as a challenge to the hegemonic role of computer scientists as inventors (e.g.: human computer interaction, usability, new media studies)
  • "It is time to look for elements that can make up a network theory outside of post-modern cultural studies and ethnographic social sciences. What new media studies needs is a 'language of new media', to speak with Lev Manovich, not a science-centred 'General Network Theory' " - Networks are not random
  • "The multitude expresses the diversity within the work force, away from the homogeneous notion of class and the fixation on 'the proletarians'".