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self as actor (Goffman, Presentation of self in everyday life)

The storyteller explored the possibilities implied in his own language by combining and changing the permutations of the figures and the actions, and of the objects on which these actions could be brought to bear. What emerged were stories (Calvino, Cybernetics and Ghosts)

cultural shok- psychiatry- anxiety-trauma. we have suffered a trauma. can we survive this trauma or will we succumb to some kind of social schizofreneia or paranoia and so ultimately lose our capacity to adapt?( Romald Anderton, Technological change: the impakt of large technical systems)

You see me so clearly that it would be ridiculous for me to arrange myself so as to write: This is a pipe. To be sure, words would draw me less adequately than I represent my­ self. Heterotopias are disturbing, probably because they secretly undermine language, be­ cause they make it impossible to name this and that (Foucault, this is not a pipe)

Foucault summarized his concern with the self as an alternative to the traditional philosophical questions: What is the world? What is man? What is truth?+end of the eighteenth century with Kant: "What are we in our actuality?" "What are we today?"-that is, "the field of the historical reflection on ourselves."

techniques of self-formation from· the early Greeks to the Christian age technlogies of production, of sign systems, of power, of he self "Know thyself" has obscured "Take care of yourself" because our morality, taking care of yourself eventually became absorbed in knowing yourself. History of the care of the self The new concern with self involved a new experience of self. The new form of the experience of the self is to be seen in the first and second century when introspection becomes more and more detailedcare of the self the church conceived of illumination: the disclosure of the self Conscience is the money changer of the self the role of reading and writing in constituting the self (Technologies of the self seminars)

Social reality is lived social relations, our most important political construction the tradition of reproduction of the self from the reflections of the other irony since the cyborg is also the awful apocalyptic telos of the 'West's' escalating dominations of abstract individuation, an ultimate self untied at last from all dependency, a man in space fractured identities Unity-through-domination or unity-through-incorporation the informatics of domination I prefer a network ideological image, suggesting the profusion of spaces and identities and the permeability of boundaries in the personal body and in the body politic. 'Networking' is both a feminist practice and a multinational corporate strategy — weaving is for oppositional cyborgs(Harraway, Cyborgmanifesto)

Moravec proposed that human identity is essentially an informational pattern rather than an embodied enaction molecular biology treats information as the essential code the body ex- presses.In fact, a defining characteristic of the present cultural moment is the belief that information can circulate unchanged among different material substrates cyborg-informational pathways connecting the organic body to its prosthetic extensions. This presumes a conception of information as a (disembodied) entity the idea of the feedback loop implies that the boundaries of the autonomous subject are up for grabs, since feedback loops can flow not only within the subject but also between the subject and the envi ronment. From Norbert Wiener on, the flow of information through feed- back loops has been associated with the deconstruction of the liberal humanist subject, the version of the "human" with which I will be con- cerned. C. B. Macpherson's analysis of possessive individualism. Only because the body is not identified with the self is it possible to claim for the liberal subject its notorious universality, Macy Conferences, information over materiality Claude Shan- non defined information as a probability function with no dimensions, no materiality, and no necessary connection with meaning. At the same time that cybernetics was re- configuring the body as an informational system, it was also presenting itself as a science of information that would remap intellectual terrains. Information, coding, and teleology are likewise inferences drawn by an observer rather than qualities intrinsic to autopoietic processes (Hayles How we became posthuman)

Alan Sokal. Science wars.Culture wars.It is the bemused spectators who talk about the ‘‘wars.’’ A great fear of relativism. (Hacking, social construction of what)

late modern society, we construct our sense of identity be creating a coherent self narrative where we successfully make ourselves the protagonists of the story, and we clearly know who we are, how we became the way we are now and what we would like to do in the future However new things and experiences can disrupt the coherence of our self narratives and cause a confused sense to the self. To reestablish our stable sense of identity, we have to reflixevelyreappraise our disrupted self narrative until in a sense its coherence is restored.( Giddens, the reflexive project of the self)

the emancipatory potentials of personal homepages are limited the first emancipatory use of the personal home pages is strategic and elaborate self representation Goffman present identities in inappropriate social contexts core problems in self representation in everyday life: -what selves we should present in a particular social setting --how well can we present it.The personal homepage can emancipate us from these 2. emancipatory not because of self presentation, because is a space for identity construction (Cheung, Identity constuction and personal webpages)

Intermediation Textuality and the Regime of Computation new languages. language plus code. code as performative practice Computational as metaphor and means. feedback loops that connect culturally potent metaphors with social constructions of reality, resulting in formulations that imagi­natively invest computation with world-making power. The Second Self and Life on the Screen, Sherry Turkle :such feedback loops can dra­ matically influence how people perceive themselves and others. Interactions kids with int. toys. young man, comments, "Reality is not my best window

code (a synecdoche for information )

Doyle "'Uploading: the desire to be wetware, makes possible a new tech­ nology of the self, .... Uploading seems to install discursive, material, and social mechanism for the anticipation of an externalized self,affected by, addicted to, the future thermodynamics and the formation of the liberal subject(Hayles, my mother was a computer)

The unconscious is structured as a language the predominant perception of the unconsious is that is it the domain of irrational drives, opposed to the rational consious self. For Lacan this notion of the unconsious belongs to the Romantic Lebensphilosophie and has nothing to do with Freud. Not the ego should conquer the id, but I should dare to approach the site of my truth THe reality of human beeings is constituted by 3 intertagled levels: the symbolic, the imaginery and the real. The symbolic space acts like a yardstick against which i can measure myself the preservation of the unsent letter is its arresting feature language is a gift so dangerous to humanity as the trojan horse the interpassive subject(ZIzek, how to read Lacan)

objectivity, the supression of some aspect of the self. the history of objectivity becomes part of the history of the self, of the scientific self. if objectivity was summomed into existence to negate subjectivity. then the emergence of obj must tally with the emergence of a certain kind of willful self one perceive as endandering scientific knowledge. 19th = scientific self as totally opposed to artistis self,(scientific vs art.images)public personas of artists and scientist polarized dispite the close analogies shown during Renaissane though Enlightment (artist almost to flaunt their subjectivity, scientist to restrain theirs) to be considered an artist one should show elements of his "personality" in his work the scientific self of obj was realised and reinforced by specialized TECHNIQUES OF THE SELF (keepin a lab notebook with real time entries---see foucault , writting, grid guided drawing, artificial DEVISION of the self into active experimenter and passive observer Practise objectivity= exercise the scientific self These techniques of the self were also practises of scientific objectivity. a scientific self grounded in a will to willessness , and an artistic self that circulated around a will to willfuness epistemic virtues in sciences are practised in order to know the world not the self (Gallison, Objectivity)

19th romantic ideal of suffering self as a fragmented soul in painting and photography(Sambanikou, Photography and identity)

one has online identity because one’s use of the computer-mediated technology forces one to self dentify to other Internet users and, reflexively, to oneself unified online identity is presented as an explanation of how cyberspace affects our notion of identity Turkle : we see ourselves differently as we catch sight of our images in the mirror of the machine.the self as fragmented and non-autonomous( multiplicity of identities that can radically differ from each other and perhaps more importantly, differ from one’s RL self).the value our cyber identities have for increased self-knowledge ( the potential for new experiences brought about from multiple online identities, in which our RL self is largely invisible)// the Internet is suggestive of a decentered theory of self which ought to make us reconsider our very notion of our identities// no unity of the self // The Internet provides Turkle with the tools and means for explicating postmodern theory and an account of the decentered self. one can acquire new kinds of self-knowledge or engage in new forms of self- deception. personal homepage design>>who am i>>who am i really and what image of myself do i want to present MUDs= anonymity, invisibility, and multiplicity (identity is not a unitary notion) TUrkle,online identity has value because it can increase one’s self-knowledge using these special characteristics online id for turkle- decentered for Grover-unified Beyond anonymity, or future directions for internet identity research,”, Hellen Kennedy Turkle claims that in the early twentieth century one’s role in the community was fixed by social roles and norms and it was hard to deviate from it. These roles provided the context within which one’s conception of oneself could develop. Today many id have extended beyond the constraints imposed by traditional roles in the community TUrkle, on the Internet you are the summation of your combined identities Lovink, Anonimity anonymity enables multiplicity Turkle addresses this problem of “how we [can] be multiple and coherent at the same time” by appealing to Daniel Dennett’s multiple drafts of consciousness theory and his notion of a flexible self.+Giddens +Donna Haraway ,a “split and contradictory self” is a “knowing self(Gover, theory of online identity)

McLuhan--food collector human to inf. collector gene-mimid money-information-representation streaming-parsing-sorting-matching-filtering history is the story of information becoming aware of itself Hayles- systems from binary to complexity Turing- pc---universe-collection of situations life is spreading through networking. The body as information processor DNA. Richard Dawkins (what is in the core of any living object is not an internal flame etc but information, words, commands Aristotel, logic, categories (oral cultures , written cultures, Al. Romanovich Luria research on differences, example= oral culture people ignore categories that written culture know and accept like geometric shapes. They didn’t accept or know logical correlations Written culture= the information lives inside the word. Classification, reference, definition Journey from things to words, from words to categories, from categories to metaphors and logic is complicated. As unnatural was to define the tree, it was more difficult to define the Word, + words like “definition” were always available due to the lack of their necessity for hundreds of years there appeared nothing of the wedge-shaped writinghat was poetry or literature(J.Gleich. THe information)

25 % of Facebook users falsi?ed information in their pro?les to protect their identity There is plenty of personally identi?able information (PII) online such as our full name, IP address, phone number, and date of birth. Furthermore, government-issued IDs are required to establish veri?ed accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Is the online world moving towards PII instead of anonymity? (Newton Lee,Facebooknation)

collective individuation social relations always exist in a reified manner as links between one atomic unit and another(social media monopolies. unlikeus reader)

identity crisis-management, pseydonimity

Life in Screen. Turkle techno-libertarian utopia, Internet's first inhabitants, hyper-individualistic; Internet as a tool for personal freedom, web2.0 economy The multiple Self is not seen as an act of liberation but is simply played out as a technological given .the Self is seen as a fundamental lie Left without a core, the personality is doomed to remain inside a neverending play pathological commitment to the Real Self,competing hegemonic lifestyle that feeds off pop culture Chat Roulette 'state of the self' with less and less room to manoeuvre parallel identities cannot be taken into other contexts.

Eva Illouz, the modern self is enmeshed in institutions and is incapable of valorizing itself , capitalism has become an ’emotional culture‘. narrative of recognition. harder to distinguish between our professional and private self. We should not blame technology for the loss of private life. The pornofication of culture and the political-economic push for increased transparency of private life have been on the rise for decades, and the Internet has only institutionalized these trends.’ There is little freedom anymore when it comes to presenting yourself online,a limited range of private and professional data .The self as a creative andknowledgeable agent is trapped for the simple reason that there is no one, true self that we just have to unveil We act as if we are playing ourselves. This is not an act of 'self-mastery' but rather a technical translation of data to drown out the everyday .. Luckily, we all know there is no true self. Social networking is not about affirming something as truth but making truth through endless clicking.(Lovink, EIllouz, facebook and the crisis of the multiple self)

we empower our experience by insisting in authenticity Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.” completion of individual is destructive to the dominators history is young. a global society is coming into beeing. made out of information.that was not intended to be ours. REALITY IS MADE OF LANGUAGE reality is made of language gnomes that make object from language to convince u linguistic truth language was invented so someone could lie The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words "In the beginning was the code, and the code was made flesh." The mind as co-creator of our model of the worldThe mind is somehow a co-creator in the process of reality through acts of language. If the world is code, then it can be hacked. It permits magic, because it says: Behind the laws of physics is a deeper level, and if you can reach that deeper level, you can make changes there.

The world is made of stories, not atoms. (B.Keeney)

Reality from that point on is only an unconfirmed rumor brought through the medium of language everything is made of language

The starships of the future, in other words the vehicles of the future, which will explore the high frontier of the unknown will be syntactical. The engineers of the future will be poets.

western game.= create boundaries and maintaim them. categorical divisions. drugs tha maintain bondaries= caffeine, productivity alkohol, red meat, sugar and tabaco culture (Terence mc keena mix)