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hypertxt 3.0


Vincent Mosco: the digital sublime: myth, power and cyberspace(2004)==>> cyberspace functioned as one of those cultural myths that provide "stories that animate individuals and societys by providing paths to transcendence that lift people out of the babality of everyday life. They offer another reality that is charakterzed by the promise of the sublime "Convinced by the demise of the cold war and the magic of new tehnology, people accepted the view that history as we once knew it was ending ......network economics/economics of cyberspace would make it easier for societies to grow (rich).. These myths point to an intenese longing for a promissed community, a public democracy". Landow=> like all myths they make socially and intellectually torelable what would otherwise be experienced as incoherence "amnesia bout the old politics and older myths" Mosco claims that every major development of technology (electicity telegrpah telephone radio television cable tv and so on) brought with it similar mythic claims William J Mitchell. Me++ the cyborg self and the networked city (2003) webliteracy? statements by theorists concerned with literature, like those by them concerned with computing show a remarkable covergence

Roland Barthes, S/Z =>> -- ideal textuality, text composed of block of words (or images) linked electronically by multiple paths , chains, or trails in an openended , perpetually unfinished textuality described by the terms link, node, network ,path. In this ideal text says Barthes, the networks (reseaux) are many and interact without anyone be albe to surpass the rest. this is a galaxy of signifiers, it has no beginning..we gain access of it thourh various entrances , none of these is the mail one..the codes it mobilizes extend as far as the eye can reach, they are indeterminable...the systems of meaning can take over this absolutely plural text, but their numbers is never closed, based as it is on the infinity of language... --the goal of the literary work is to make the reader no longer a consumer but a producer of a text. Our literature is charakterized by the pitiless divorce which the literary institution maintains betwween the producer of the textx and its user, its owner and its comnsumer.Intransitive reader= serious reader. He is left with no more that the poor freedom either to accept or to reject the text. reading is nothing more than a referendoum. Foucault, the archeology of Knowledge==>>the text as network and links. "frontiers of a book are never clear cut because it is caught up in a system of references to other books , other texts, it is a node within a network (of references)"

Ted Nelson, Literary Machines 0/2 ==>> by hypertext i mean non sequential writing, text that brances and allows choices to the reader, best read in an interactive screen, text chunk connected by links and offer the reader a different pathways. Hypertext --Nelson: text composed of blocks of tex t=<>= , Lexia -- Barthes, and the electronic links that join them. the underlying notions of hypertext as mutlisequentially read text. the networked text the multiplicity of the hypertext, which apperas in mutliple links to individual blocks of text calls for an active reader tradition- anxiety of influence very active readers -readers as writers print based active reader encounters a suppodesly discrete finished text "there is nothing wrong with categorisation, it is however by its nature transient: category systems have a half-life and categorization begin to fairly stupid after a few years.

Vanevar Bush 1945==>> allready inform.explosion acceptable architectural form under which millions of fine thoughs are encased the matter of selection and inf. retrieval "Our ineptidue in getting at the record is largely caused by the artificialty of systems of indexing. when data of any sort are placed in storage, they are filed alphabeticaly or numerically and informatio nis found (when it is) by tracing it down from subclass to subclass. It can be in only one place, unless duplicates are used. one has to have rules as to which patho will locate it. Having found one item, moreover, one has to emerge from the system and reenter on a new path" The human mind works by ASSOCIATION (snaps instantly to the next suggestion) MEMEX would liberate us from confidements of inadequte systems of classification, to go to selection by association and not by indexing. Reading involving writting example of memex user Multiple textuality

Landlow: according to bush and nelson one of the greatest strenght of the hypertext lies in its capacity of permitting users to find, create, and follow multiple conceptual structures in the same body of information Essentially they describe the technological means of achieving Derrida's concept of decentering.


most basic is lexia to lexia, but also bidirectional linking of two lexias to another, string to string lexias, string to lexia, one to many, many to one,typed linking

Contemporary conception of link outside memex medium.the user of memex created tails of associative links on top of allready extisting text, saved and shared them. Different readers could create different collections of links of the same texts. links exist outside lexia


Multimedia research group-univ of southampton (Distributed link services 1995, multicosm 98, portal maximiser 2001) Goal to create the king of hypermedia system that bush would love to be able f e to lin a document in ms word to anoterh in pdf file to anotehr in.....etc)


treating the self of both author and reader not simply as print text but as hypertet/ for all of them the self takes the form of a decentered network of code that also serves as node within another network.

LYOTARD----NO ISLANDED SELF (" a self does not ammount to much. no self is an island. each exists in a fabric of relations. A person is always located at "nodal" points of specifi communiation circuits. (postmodern condition 15). One is always located at a post through which various kinds of messages pass.

FOUCAULT---the author's dissapearance, "what is an Author". radical changes in textuality produce radical changes of the figure of the author derived from that textuality Landow: literature generated precisely such appearance of the self, and we have long read a self out of the texts as evidence that a UNIFIED SELF exists behind/within/implicit in it. NIKOS___erosion of author. control and power, erosion of thinking subject, erosion of neoliberal subject )Hayles)