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craft as lifestyle

digital media , games , in art educ ­­ Wittedew. making is thinking exhibition craft as an atlernative to ind,production. as rediscovered.

Romantisicm in the notion of craft

Heart- soul-head

Craftifesto (craft is powerfll, personal political and visible)

sennet- job for its shake, good quality job

THE IRL fetish (nathan jurgenson) (fetishation of the offline, the rise of the mp3 coupled with the resurgence in vinyl. vintage cameras and typewritters. Retro-mania (pop cultures addiction in its own past. two nostalgias-reflective=fits into our life, and restorative=political impakt. Sampling need an former form of the music. Instagram pics as small bites of aesthetics of the past. Craft is retro lifestyle but now complete reanactment of the past.

cyborgology site.

photograpy. Mark Fisher. hauntology (memorys power to linger) (hauntology and Derrida) AMy winehouse and 50-60s. ghost.

students "rather desi gn a poster than a website"

Albert borgman, technology and the charakter of contemporary life: a philosophical inquiry.Part 2 with Borgmann’s original theory of technology (the device paradigm). Tenology enalbesself determnination and control. idea of technology since enlightment, Notion of availability. Idea of technology to set us free. borgman makes diference between technlogy as theme and tecnolhoy as device. ENgagement. Experience of a thing, Woden σομπα. techn. as theme. focus. connect with skill. Technolgoy increasingly has become a device (invisible) Necessarely unfamiliar. craftsas a way to become again familiar with world and the things.


ELBert hubbard the FRa 1914. "marketing mor then books ."

BLack boxes. understand how sth works to a certain extend. (((maybe media gets a broader notin but also think of the return to crafts and kids, also arduinos and hardwares stuff) Regain control of media and technology? it doesnt ressurect the old ethos or etc but the object itself

Sennet-?"together", rethink the meaning of work in the 21st cent relationship skills n community in sennets first chapter. Linux. ITs mainly about the social interplay of people (and not hand-head) He doesnt make a ifference between analogue- digital etc