zizek read lacan
freud. 3 narcisistic illnesses
Today. Our mind is a mere computing machine. that processes data.our sense of freedom and autonomy is the users illusion of this machine
Today the time of psychoanalysis has come.
Through Lacan freuds key insights emerge in their true dimension. lacan, freudian evolution that freud wasnt aware of
The unconscious is structured as a language
The predominant perception of the unconsious is that is it the domain of irrational drives, opposed to the rational consious self. For Lacan this notion of the unconsious belongs to the Romantic Lebensphilosophie and has nothing to do with Freud. The freudian unconsious caused such as scandal not because of the claim the the rational self is subordinated to the much vaster domain of blind irrational instincts but because it demonstrated how the unconsious itself obeys its own grammar and logic, the unconsious talks and thinks. ITs a place where the dramatic truth speaks out. Therein lies Lacans versions of Freuds moto Where it was , i am to become. Not the ego should conquer the id, but I should dare to approach the site of my truth. What awaits me there is not a deep truth i have to identify but an unbearable truth i have to learn to live with.
FOr Lakan psychoanalysis doesnt show an individual the way to accomodate him to the demans of social reality. instead it explains how something like "reality" constitutes itself in the first place. It explains how the dimension of truth emerges in human reality.
FOr Lacan, pathological formations like neuroses, psychoses and pervertions have the dignity of fundamental philosophical attitudes towards reality. His main critique of other psychoanalytic approachces it that they have a clinical orientation. For lacan its not the patients well beeing or succesfull social life the goal of the psychoanalytic treatment but to bring the patient to confront the elementary coordinate and deadlocks of his her desire.
IMaginary, Symboli, Real.
THe big other as the symbolic order.
Subject not ego.
(differences from freud)
Psychoanalysis for Lacan is a method of reading texts. (oral as the patients speech or written)
Lacanian readings.
Mexican soap operas , the BIg other. The symbolic order, societies unwritten constitution is the second nature of every speaking beeing.
THe reality of human beeings is constituted by 3 intertagled levels: the symbolic, the imaginery and the real.
IN chess. The rules= its symbolic dimension, the way in which different pieces are shaped and charakterised by their names king queen etc= imaginary and we can imagine different imaginarys. The entire complex set of contingent circumstanes that affect the course of the game= the real. (intelligence of players, unpredictable intrusions etc). The big other operates in the symbolic level.