User:Max Dovey/PT/TRIMESTER 2

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

A Short History of The Internet

THE WEB - html, http, url web page : html, javascript, css

MArch 1989, Tim Berners-Lee publishes 'information management: A proposal'. Could login to servers via physical terminals and ssh. He was working on improving terminal interactions with server environments. hypertext -Ted Nelson "Computer lib / Dream Machines" defines computer lib championing creative use of technology and computers. He defines Hypermedia in his unstrcutured, loose writng format. Ted Nelson believed in central ownership and a network where users would license in a cut/copy format rather than a c opy paste format. Brings up the argument about the freedom of web2.0 where all the content is free,but access through telecomms costs. Another system would be free acess but pay for content , that way authors would get credited and payed.

HTTP protocol we no longer view the "original" html doc on the server, we request php,perl that access the html for updates , and caches the file so that it doesnt have to reload it to show it to the browser client every time.

Hosting & Databases The economics of hosting... Its only as stable as the next Bussiness plan. Which isnt wrong, its just bad for us to assume that this is unfair (that when a company changes its bussiness plan and deletes your account its not fair) If you did have an economic network where you became the purchaser or the license owner of content when you embedd, rather than being the customer, you become the buyer and therefore if the company/ server goes down than you can still have ownership.

Active archives When 1 person (or millions of people) loose their myspace or geocities page all you hear is complaints, but the scale is greater when cultral institutions and large bussiness (or their server hosting companies) sink and cant pay to recover their archives. Network traffic sound html.write()

speech language processing



Where? map dispaying google searchers containing the phrase 'where can i?"


Takes text from SRT (film subtitle files) into a formatted text file

import sys, zipfile, os, shutil, glob, textwrap, re
from os.path import join
f = open("filmsubs/Lost In Translation [Eng].srt", "r",)
h =open("lostintranslation.txt", "w")

for line in f:
    # read file

    if re.findall(r'\b --> \w+', line): #if you find '-->' do something

        # print next(f)
        # print i 

        x = 1 # x = line after this symbol 

        checkBlank = False

        while checkBlank is False: 

            p = open("filmsubs/Lost In Translation [Eng].srt", "r",)

            line = p.readlines()[i+x] #read line from point i(where we last where) plus x (read on from this point)



            x=x+1 #iterate this digit so that it reads nextline in this while loop until....

            if re.match(r'^\s*$',line):
                checkBlank = True



import PIL
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import struct, sys , time , os 
import glob 
from images2gif import writeGif
import sys, zipfile, os, shutil, glob, textwrap
from os.path import join

font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/arial.ttf", size= 12, index = 0 , encoding = 'armn' ) #set font to armn apple roman"RGBA", (600,480),(0,0,0))
pages = 0 
speed = 0.2
height = 7 
f = open("thegrandbeauty.txt", "r",)
# text = f.readlines()

if not os.path.exists('images'):

for word in f:
    pages = pages +1 
    height = height +10
    draw  = draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    draw.text((260, height),word,(255,255,255),font=font)"images/a_test%02d.png" % pages)

A test14.png
A still from subtitle rip of "cleo from 5 - 7" by agnes Varda.

CGI Scripting

CGI lesson Networked prototyping cgi = Common Gateway Interface using the two simple server commands from a dir of your choice ("python -m simpleHTTPServer or python -m CGIHTTPServer")

write a hello world cgi script

  1. !/usr/bin/python #shebang

print "Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8" #header print #must have blank return before body

print Hello World

or hello time

  1. !/usr/bin/python

print "Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8" print import datetime now = print str(now)

if you point your browser to your cgi-bin/hello.cgi then you should run the clock python script successfully you must changer perms on the chmod file how to link to a cgi script and return results in your html.. project brief make a basic cgi run.... also use this line to specificy the python which you run on your local disk

  1. !/usr/bin/env python

Guestbook example & hitcounters make a counter textfile that updates everytime script is run.

checklist - PYthon and CGI

  • 1.create a folder called cgi-bin name your python sketch with 'cgi' extension
  • 2.add shebang line to python script
    1. !/usr/bin/python
    1. !/usr/bin/env python
    3. print content type at the very top of your script so browser can handle the file accordingly. print "Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8" print __blank line___ start code 4. change perms on cgi script so that it is executable chmod 755 myscript.cgi 5. run a python -m CGIHTTPServer from the dir to check if script is working. open up the browser to your ip:8000/dir/file.cgi Be warned. when listing directories make them full absolute path as the apache server is running from localhost and needs to find the file from the top of directory. no local. some apache is configed so that you should copy your sgi scripts to - /usr/lib/cgi-bin

Sailor's Dictionary

Sailor's Dictionary translates your words into the sailors dictionary via a speech search engine. (must use google chrome for speech enable)

code -

#!/usr/bin/env python

import cgi, urllib
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
q = form.getvalue("q", "").strip().lower()

print "Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8"
print """
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>wordin: results</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles.css">
<div class="top"><form action="" class="top">
    <a href="/~max/public_html/words2.html">
        <span class="r">w</span>
        <span class="g">o</span>
        <span class="b">r</span>
        <span class="r">d</span>
        <span class="g">s</span>
print '<input type="text" name="q" value='+quoteattr(q)+' />'
print """
<div class="links">
print '<a href="images.cgi?' + urllib.urlencode({"q": q}) + '">images</a>'
print """

a = []
b = [] 

for line in open("/Users/user/Desktop/web/ryog/cgi-bin/sailorsdictionary.txt"):
    line = line.lower().strip()
    if ("." in line):
        w, d = line.split(".", 1)
        combo = (w,d)

dictionary = dict(zip(a,b))

if q:
    for key,value in dictionary.items():
        if q in key:
            print "<div> <b>" + key + "</b>" + value + "</div>"
            # + '<a href="?' + urllib.urlencode({'q': value[5:]}) + '">' + line[5:] + "</a></div>"
            # print ("<div>"+line+"<div>")
print """


Talking into the Twitter Stream

import json
import simplejson
import os, sys
import time
import commands 
import subprocess
import twitter
OAUTH_TOKEN = "****"

auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET,
                           CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)

twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(domain='', 

f = open("translate.txt", "r") #define file path

q = [] 
for line in f:
    sentence = line.split()
    words = sentence[-1::]

p = open("translationfull.txt", "w",)
sawword= False 
q = key 
print q 
count = 2
search_results=, count=count)
for status in search_results['statuses']:
    text = status['text']
    words = text.split()
    print words

    for i in words:
        if q in words:
            print i
            p.writelines("\n ")

        elif (sawword):
            print word 
            sawword= False 

Google Speech Recognition

Google have a pretty handy speech api that you can use with javascript here are some examples (must use chrome) -

Change the color of the internet

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- saved from url=(0064) -->
<html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Simple Web Speech Recognition Example</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./Simple Web Speech Recognition Example_files/jquery.min.js"></script>
<body onload="document.getElementById('q').focus()">
webkit-transition: 2s background;

<script type="text/javascript">
recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognition.continuous = true;

recognition.onresult = function(e) {
  color = $.trim(e.results[e.results.length - 1][0]["transcript"]);
  $("body").css({ background: color });


live chat New.jpg