User:FluffyDunlop/ReadingWriting2/notes poverty
enjoy poverty -> who needs a hug? The sound intro is nice Why is the lense do dirty? farmers? working "hard" and complaining about the company they work for, the farmer feels helpless Amids the hard working people of a 3th world country? there are tourist protected by militairy people enyoing themselfs. Smug director? tries to evoke emotions from the fisherman.. The fisher man does not understand the remark and the efford of the director is lost. More shots of militairy Guy with ponytail hair brought his own photographer obviously The man with his own plantage can't identify his workers. The workers are photographed and are now an object of art within the exib The man with his own plantage can't identify his workers. The workers are photographed and are now an object of art within the exibition. When a woman is asked a question about the poverty of the workers.. She chooses to ignore the question, but her face states thats she knows te answer. Dokters without borders seem to investigate the malnourisment of children who live around the plantages. Plantage workers are unable to provide for their children so the children end op malnourist. A plantage worker shows his daughter having soars on her mouth and anus. Cant help think this is a result of sexual abuse.. The plantage owner thinks that 16 out of 8000 children who die of malnourisment is not much. They contemplate the reason of death. A dokter is shure the child will die of malnourisment developt by the problems The director is singing amids the "mess" [can not understand why] (neil young - a man needs a maid) A lesson is sarcasm is what follows (enjoy poverty) The dutch! The director shares similarities with a dutch presentator who knows many langueges and likes his selfimage Ivo niehe (hence the close up of him singing) We are there for gold? Militairy is involved in sample control photographers making money over the dead bodies of locals (what else is new?) Photographer is challenged about the ethics of his picture and fails to see the point (or doesn't act like it) The class scene evoces the idea that the locals are thinking that they are receiving calculus.. but infact the director uses them to make a point about photography and the price they can get for pictures. and how other people are taking their misery and sell them ubroad in the for as pictures. The director has a hard time "selling" his idea to the locals.. they seem to be more interested in the bright blue light... The edit seems somewhat dodgey sometimes almost humerous / even fictional and staged