User:Marlon/Graduate Research Seminar/thesis/reading

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Reading list


I've been reading, in messy order:

The Generative Bedrock of Open Design, Michel Avital
"The infrastructure can help in the creation of engaging : environments or platforms that stimulate the users’ cognitive spontaneity and playfulness as well as overall positive affect state, thus encouraging further exploration, tinkering and experimentation."
Redesigning Design, Jos de Mul
“The design industry is going through fundamental changes. Open design, downloadable design and distributed design democratize the design industry, and imply that anyone can be a designer or a producer.” (Tom Hulme)
"The designer of the future has to become a database designer, a meta-designer, not designing objects, but shaping a design space in which unskilled users can access user-friendly environments in which they can design their own objects. "
Transductions, Adrian Mackenzie (2002)
From chapter 1, Radical Contingency and Technology
"The clay must be prepared, for instance, so that it is homogeneous (…), plastic (…), and yet able to maintain consistency so that it can take on contours without spilling like water."
".. the mould, does not impose a form from the outside on an inert matter: 'the mold limits and stabilizes rather than imposing a form: it gives an end to the deformation'"
Skeleton, Corset, Skin, Femke Snelting
"While templates are molds, defining the border around what is in or out... skeletons are backbones, core structures that can hold very different bodies."
"When design decisions are based on nothing more than a global sense of the nature and format of the data that will appear as header, footer, or body... than templates end up as collections of clichés, essentially functioning just like stock photography ­because all you can do is prepare for the mediocre, the common denominator."
Sorting Things Out, Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star (2001)

Want to maybe read:

  • Andrejevic, M (2004) Reality TV
  • Galloway, A (2012) The Interface Effect
  • Manovich, L (2008) Software Takes Command
  • de Rijk, T (2010) Norm=Form
  • Lampand, M and Star, S (2008) Standards and Their Stories