User:Mihail Bakalov/Trimerster 1/READING, WRITING AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES/Notes/LectureNotes28.09.2013

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Participatory system ( participatory capitalism ) Raised Qs How can the supresing system be ruled by nice guys Infrastructure for total surveillance?

Narratives of surveillance Internet – makes me uneasy with all the information that holds for me because of the good guys in charge Are there really good guys in charge? could the system of control be good in anyway to humankind?

But actually it is participatory surveillance/capitalism The participatory system to which we offer our lives too. In order to go through our daily prosegiours we go through the system. So we just put up with this invasion of our privacy. The excuse to the invasion of our privacy is to providing better services. Through our performing we keep the system running We live in it, we live through it, we give live to it. Big brother is every where.

control via: power through informational interchanges peoples access of information encapsulation of people in facilities: military, education, prison, factory, hospitals etc. The distribution of power is implemented in the structures. People in the facilities so anyone within such a structure knows where they stand, who has power over them, and their behavior will be influenced by knowledge of and participation within the structure. We are contributing to the flow of data. The flow of data is free although the way it goes is design

  1. material discourse, discourse is action in space; governmental distribution of power

Foucault, Discipline and punishment


Disciplinary system The Panopticon an example for power and disciplined behavior.

  1. What it is

A building in the shape of a donut with a watch tower in the middle for surveillance. The effect of the surveillance is a change in peoples behaviour. They act as if watch all the time This behaviour internalizes and contributes to the subject formation. The utilitarian point of view makes sence of this system as to make us more efficient, si this subject normalization is at our best. In order to better participate in society we should reform our selfs. An example for power and disciplined behaviour.

During the classical age the punishment is through injury and mutilation Behaviour is modified by punishment. Afterwards reforms subjectivity, through discipline, training, work. The system louers you in, because the more you invest in this transformation, the more you are rewarded but the more you fall into the norms. Efficiency is gained through a codification of space and time. Which in return shapes subjectivity and determens ranking.

Bio power- refers to the same distribution of bodies in space and time. The body is no longer 'subject' to the will of a ruler but enters a disciplinary system where surveillance, time and space ranking and self regulations are the key element. If a person is more pliable the more he is trained to follow the system and get less resistance in this environment.

Nevertheless: our individuality is constructed by it. The individual is born in the society and is defined by it.

Where is the individual in this disciplinary system? If we are a product of the system,where is our own self? As stated before, we are programmed into giving up on subjectivity for our own interest.

Power remains, continuity the function of discipline in society is to train observation-surveillance normalization/ judgement examination (classification, punishment, diagnose)

photography as a means of surveillance and normalization Cesare lombroso typology of criminals (1870) (database)

Control society (codes) DELEUZE celebrity- neoliberal, performing subject, performance subject essential to get visibility we become commodity, the production of the individual as commodity we sell ourself nonscopic surveillance devices

The cartesian person celebrity performing in a talk show as a successful person in society self performance in the economy through the economy

DATABASE Mark Poster database: the organizational principle that calls us to explain, organize our shelves major change in the way records are kept (we participate n share) surveillance without a particular space non-scopic surveillance devices

super panopticon → chip cards, library cards, etc. (virtual panopticon) non-scopic devices recruits informational mobile control controlled societies data management control incoded in the system.

Our society has both parts of the totalitarian and the data surveillance

Josh Harris - We live in public creating a system fully surveillanced, closed sys no need of a personality and identification detach from ones self

1970 year – 20 student participated in an experiment in Harvard uni in the basement, 10 acted as prisons, 10 as guards they fastly got attached to their new identities

Monotarisation of the web supporting the economy Stanford prison experiment

The exercise of power – as neoliberal