on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog ‘Boo’’ joined Facebook
IBM released a new study in April 2012 that identified four emerging digital personalities—efficiency experts, content maestros, social butterflies, and content kings—respectively representing 41, 35, 15, and 9 % of the online population [3]. Efficiency experts are proficient Internet users; content maestros are media con- sumers and gamers on the web and on mobile devices; social butterflies are Facebook and Twitter addicts; and content kings are both consumers and creators of rich media
Prof. Mitja Back ‘Online social networks are so popular and so likely to reveal people’s actual personalities because they allow for social interactions that feel real in many ways. … Facebook is so true to life that encountering a person there for the first time generally results in a more accurate personality appraisal than meeting face to face’
Consumer Reports magazine conducted a survey of 2002 25 % of Facebook users falsified infor- mation in their profiles to protect their identity