User:Notes on "Fandom of Labor"/Notes on free culture

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Notes on free culture 13-11-18

Global interdependance Culture that belongs to an economy When everything is freely available distinction creates value. Free availability creates possibilities for visability.

Pure data > free culture free market


BSD License

Entire ecosystem of max msp

Looking at Copyright and free culture by comparing it to Different relationships:

Polyamoury = responsible non-monogamy

Relationship anarchy relationships that are not bound by a set of rules. No formal distinction not categorizing.

Visual symbols for polyamourous communication. Exclusivity in ownership.

Texts acts of speech copyright “authors”. Copyright is based on Defoes poetic metaphor concerning the right of paternity. The family serves to guarantee the paternity of children, allowing the property of one generation to the next. The father is owner and must own the mother to own his children.

Father is author mother is vessel child is product

Copyright Qualification for protection:

Who are the ones that profit from Copyright? What is copyright exactly and how does it apply. In my quest to alter the Copyright law on basis of the rules and values of the above mentioned different relationships I tried (unsuccesfully) to define copyright. Unfortunately Copyright is very vague and by the end of the workshop I extracted the following rules:

You can not copy until 70 years after someones death and 100 years of the creation of a product after that it goes into public domain. The rest of Copyright basically exists out of exceptions (fair use etc.).