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Social reality is lived social relations, our most important political construction

Liberation rests on the construction of the consciousness, the imaginative apprehension, of oppression, and so of possibility.

Modern production seems like a dream of cyborg colonization work,

And modern war is a cyborg orgy, coded by C3I, command-control-communication-intelligence

the cyborg as a fiction mapping our social and bodily reality

Michael Foucault's biopolitics

Ths cyborg is our ontology; it gives us our politics.

the tradition of reproduction of the self from the reflections of the other

production, reproduction, and imagination.

irony since the cyborg is also the awful apocalyptic telos of the 'West's' escalating dominations of abstract individuation, an ultimate self untied at last from all dependency, a man in space

An origin story in the 'Western', humanist sense depends on the myth of original unity, fullness, bliss and terror, represented by the phallic mother from whom all humans must separate, the task of individual development and of history,

The cyborg skips the step of original unity, of identification with nature in the Western sense

the one can no longer be the resource for appropriation or incorporation by the other.

produced modern organisms as objects of knowledge

human animality

the boundary between physical and non-physical is very imprecise for us

Writing, power, and technology are old partners in Western stories of the origin of civilization Miniaturization

The ubiquity and invisibility of cyborgs

The diseases evoked by these clean machines are 'no more' than the minuscule coding changes of an antigen in the immune system, 'no more' than the experience of stress.

FRACTURED IDENTITIES Identities seem contradictory, partial, and strategic Which identities are available to ground such a potent political myth called 'us', and what could motivate enlistment in this collectivity — the sources of a crisis in political identity are legion. The recent history for much of the US left and US feminism has been a response to this kind of crisis by endless splitting and searches for a new essential unity. But there has also been a growing recognition of another response through coalition — affinity, not identity.

oppositional consciousness (Chela Sandoval)