User:Notes on "Fandom of Labor"/Three work descriptions

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  1. 1 Seeing you

What An installation that consists out several televisions that are scattered on the floor of a room. On every television you see the same representation with small variations when you look a little longer there is the slightest movement to be seen. The back of the head of a black haired girl is shown. Sometimes the images on the televisions jam and that's when there's a change in image showing, on some televisions the girl turns around. The televisions either cast out a high pitched noise or white noise the sounds merge and fill the room.

How I filmed a girl which I placed in front of a white screen and had her grimed totally white. I filmed several movements. This I edited on top of sounds white noise and the high pitched tones televisions sometimes give off. I made 7 different versions and displayed that on 7 televisions.

Why There's a distantiation in friendships nowadays that is formed (for a part) through social media and other media forms. There's more shallowness because people have the illusion of having contact because they're being satisfied enough through a social medium while actually there's a tendency in having more superficial relationships and having less “real” friends. I wanted to portray this in an installation.

  1. 2 Silence vs. Serenity

2 big screens besides each other black for a period of time until on one side a movie starts playing joined by a high pitched sort of melody. You vaguely can make out a woman's body. She moves fluently on the sound almost like a dance. The screen turns black. Now there's a sound that's almost electrical there's a movie showing on the other screen. There's the same woman's body but the way she moves is not the same there's a lot of distortion in the images they twitch and stop and continue sometimes corresponding to the sound sometimes not. After a while the movie fades to black and both screens are dark.

How I filmed a girl painted black making all kinds of movements. After that I selected parts of the film that corresponded with the concept. I made the sounds with the acoustic feedback of a microphone and edited that underneath the film meanwhile still designing and altering the sound.

Why It was an experiment in creating an experience in sound and image for the viewer in which I wanted to get across a certain atmosphere/feeling. Silence is about: inner struggle, coping, overload, chaos. Serenity: acceptance, submision, serenity

  1. 3

An industrial room, when you enter there's a long table standing on the right with three televisions on them and three chairs before them. Attached to the tv's are headphones. On the screens you see the same man in different settings. If you put on the headphones you can hear him talking about his life and interests. On the opposite wall from the door we see a movie with images of the same man doing different everyday actions, images and sounds of his surrounding. Furthermore there's a collection of pictures hung like a collage.

How I made documentary footage of my father, edited that with three different perspectives in mind and portrayed it in two different manifestations (televisions, beamer) Beside that I also made a representation of photo-documentation.

Why I've been collecting footage of my father which may or may not become a documentary. (Because me and my studiocomplex aranged partition in Kunstnacht 's-Hertogenbosch) I edited the “raw” material into three different point of views of his life. One where we see him practisizing a main interest of him which is arranging sound and light for a theatre group which works with mentally disabled people, one where we see him in family context and one where we see different images of his home and where he we see everyday actions. My father is autistic and has a different view on life than most people. He does not conform to social conventions or other peoples opinions. I want to give the viewer an insight into a peculiar mans ways and world meanwhile not putting any stigma onto it and experimenting with the form of documentary.