User:Yoana Buzova/trim4

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Tentative Title

Remember this can change as your research evolves - also keep in mind that the title of your research does not have to be the eventual title of your exhibited final project.


the WHAT of small project ideas:

1. The search limiter - A browser extension that limits daily searches to a certain number. Quality over quantity. By knowing you are limited in searching, you start to appreciate the information, go trough it slowly and carefully.

2. A fake diy drone /make a drone at home with old pc cooling fans/ + video tutorial / To look empowered and part of a technological hype


3. Voice terminal - a street object as a platform for messaging. The object recognises a passing figure and plays a recorded file to trigger the attention of the passer-by. One can then choose to record a message of his own and overwrite on top of the previos one. Then it is the one that is triggered when someone goes close to it. The object facilitates an unconscious / anonymous dialogue in public space.

4. Re-engineering the 16 mm editing table as an audio-visual performance tool. A mutant that is an editing table and a projector at the same time, or create a dynamic connection between them.

5. Make physical and offline the online / instagram filters / ex. to be able to go back in time and experience old printed photographs filtered . an example - build a set of real filters to be able to use in tradition photographic frames and easily change.

During the past nine months I have been experimenting in different fields, using different approaches and tools. I made a few small projects in which exploring these areas.

I have mainly been working in the model of practice-based research. In the second trimester I started my self-direction project, provoked by the subject of signals and code. My approach was towards encoding and decoding simple urban patterns I collected. I photographed streets at night and then taking them as input, I created a visual code from the lit house windows. The code I played on a music box i built myself. The result are minimal, generative compositions of urban activity. I took information of a large scale ( whole streets and their buildings) to reinterpret it and notably descale it into a gentle sound, coming from a small mechanical object.

As a continuation of the project and aiming to close the loop I started, I built a discrete but resistant urban installation, aiming to bring the data I processed back to its place of origin – the streets. The melodies are looped in speakers, made of concrete, placed in the city. The speakers, in contrast to the music box are resistant, heavy and keep repeating the otherwise transient moments. This iteration where the translated gentle, almost fragile information (composition) is distributed and preserved was the endpoint of the project and made it a complete piece.

Relation of my interest to my previous work described above - ----> This work deals with processes of encoding and decoding and translation of data. It encloses information into tangible objects. Maybe as an unconscious result of my BA studies in photography, I take the position of a viewer, I collect data and use it examine and explore later so it can be the starting point of my work. Work is created during exploring diy strategies, conceptually and physically contrast/different materials and techniques

fast prototyping with laser cutting....slow prototyping with concrete

Looking back at my work from the first year I see two ways I could take my graduation project.

1. Installation/ Object -----> related to my self-directed research. Taking one set of symbols and transforming it to another. I am fascinated by the idea of reinterpreting data and bringing it back to where it originates in its new form. In other words creating different iterations of one source. Work with sound, use image as a starting point? Transporting sound of one place to another. Building an object that the viewers interact with and experience the new form of the information.

2. DIY kit / critique towards industrialization / false consciousness / criticism ---> related to my DIY kit, allowing the purchaser to create fake proof/documentation of DIY work in progress he/she has executed.

Both are connected trough my practice in the way that I like do my things myself, especially tangible work.

Key Words / themes

Fascination for making objects

using, mixing / commonplace objects

practice-based research


Encoding – Decoding / reinterpreting

Translating and transporting information / taking it from one domain to another, from one place to another

Compressing - Decompressing

Scaling – Descaling

environment - sound

DIY strategies

False consciousness


Urban spaces /installation/

working with material

object - image – sound – environment - audience

possible outcome: I am sure that i want a tangible outcome - as a result of my research --> building an object that exists in an urban environment as well as an exhibition space ( possibly a dynamic relationship / connection between them). Bold or even unrealistic may be a combination with an online part of the project( flexible database, live stream content or content fed by users). An object that is fed with dynamic data ( ex. a live sound stream)


exploring, experiencing information from a source different than a computer, screen / a custom, unfamiliar object

preserving information in another form ( what happens when data is suddenly gone)

DIY / instant / ready-made / fake / cheesy / romantic / false consciousness

Relation to previous practice

Relation to the Street Compositions project and its two parts/stages. First - Taking night street photographs as an input and creating a code for a self-made punchcard music box and Second part - bringing the modified information back to the streets in a concrete speaker installation, looping the music box composition.

summary : Reinterpreting data and putting it back in its old place in a new form

Relation to a larger context

Situationist approaches to psychogeography, urban tactical media and activist strategies of reclaiming the streets.

Works I find related to my interests /practice /method

Georgina Starr - Whistle

Zimoun – sound installations

Michael Kontopoulos - - machines that almost fall over live open worldwide microphones project started 2006 sound maps ( field recordings) started 2006

Practical steps

Outline methods and interests

practice / build a lot of prototypes

Describe how you will go about conducting your research through reading, writing and practice. In other words, through a combination of these approaches, you will explore questions or interests you have laid out in your general introduction. In this section you can help us understand how your project will come together on a practical level and talk about possible outcome(s). Of course, the outcome(s) may change as your research evolves, but it's important to have some idea of how your project might come together as a whole.


Gregory Bateson 'Steps to an Ecology of Mind' (1972)

Yolande Harris, Phd thesis: Scorescapes On Sound Environment and Sonic Consciousness

Dr Hartmut Obendorf, In Search of “Minimalism”— Roving in Art, Music and Elsewhere

THE VOICE OF NEW The Voice of New Music by Tom Johnson New York City 1972-1982 A collection of articles originally published in the Village Voice MUSIC

++ tech literature

two books by Nicolas Collins Handmade electronic music and Hardware Hacking

A list of references (Remember that dictionaries, encyclopedias and wikipedia are not references to be listed. These are starting points which should lead to more substantial texts and practices.) As with your previous essays, the references need to be formatted according to the Harvard method.) See:

Feel free to include any visual material to substantiate, illustrate or elucidate your proposal. For example use images to reference your work or that of others.