User:Lassebosch/integrated assessment trim03

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

General intro-outro-duction to the trimester

A short, intense trimester. My main focus has been on the thematic project which also relates closely to my personal interest in crowd-sourcing and various forms of precarious labor.

Technically I've spread out my focus a bit more:

- Working in new software: Kdenlive
- Acquisitions: Raspberry pi
- Further into the 'terminal'; batch-processes, ssh-ing, simple command-line language
- Wordpress: getting hands dirty and prototyping of first WP (built upon the existing theme BlankSlate)

Documentation - Jonas Lund

I've followed Jonas for quite a while now, and noticed features in his work and persona which I've tried to mirror in my documentation on publicity.

First of all, the active 'dialogue' seems to be very important for him. The majority of his works involves participants, who is either exposed or the other way around; Jonas is exposing himself to the participant. In cases the work is the participant.

He flirts closely with the commercial aspects of art, balancing between the total embrace and the ironic, playful repulsion.

These observations has lead me to the construction of an app which will further tighten the public relations while keeping the ironic undertones.

Jonas Lund Publicity Action

TumblrJumpr - documenting the past

Thematic & Self-directed - CrowdWhiz

The imaginary startup-venture CrowdWhiz imitates existing rival companies, their core business models and advertising strategy. The founders Marlon Harder and Lasse van den Bosch Christensen take a peek behind the dazzling cloak of gamification.

Pleasures of Performing

Play and Prototyping

Raspberry pi