Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2012/2013
This is a shared page for the R,W & R module.
Trimester 3
Writing machines:
Upload answers here:
How does it make you feel?
What kind of atmosphere does it evoke?
What was the motivation behind making it?
What preceded it?
What will follow it?
What’s holding it together?
How long will it last?
Where are its edges?
Is it original?
What does it evoke?
To whom does it speak?
Can it touch you?
When was the work made?
Can it be destroyed?
When did it begin to exist?
What is its status?
What is its economy?
What is it influenced by
Under what conditions would it fail?
What is the measure of its success?
results at end of class:
Group A: (outline= 20 words)
Group B: (outline= 20 words)
Designs for a writing machine:
formats could include: digital - physical - interface - generative engines - formulas - external forums &c
Three (or more) generations of text
Writing three texts (or more) at the same time. While writing the original text simultaneously you are writing more texts where formula’s are applied to. This way the structure of the text remains the same, however the form/output will change depending on what formula is used.
Auto-Complete Writing Machine
Using a form of auto-complete or spell check to alter a text while writing in real time!
Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em had a big bed in one corner, and Dorothy a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole.
English-German-English google translation:
Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles.
Their house was small, to build for the wood that had to be transported by many car Miles.
It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole.
It was achieved by a trap door in the center of the bottom, from which a conductor led down into the small dark hole.
Iphone Auto-Correction:
Foto lov in the miss of the G Kansas prairies, ei in hebt, eh was a farmer, and sun em, eh was the farmers wig. Theo go was am, for the Limburg to be build it had to be carrière by wagon many Mike. There were fout walls, a floot and a roof, which made one too; and this too contact a Rus loo drove, a cupido for the fish, a table, three or fout chador, and the beds. Incl Henry and aub em had a big bed in one Coen, and foto a little bed in another Coen. There was no harte at all and no cello except a small hole drug in the groen called a cycloon ladder, where the family could go in case one of this great whirlpool Arie's nights enough to crush any building in its Pathé. It was reaches by a trap door in the middel of the floot from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole.
English-German-English auto correction in word:
Dorothy live in toe midst of toe Great Kansas prairies, witch Uncle Henry, woo was a farmer, and Ant Dem, woo was toe farmer's wife. Their house was small, fur toe lumber to build its hob to bee Carried bi wagon many mildest. There where foul wallet, a Floor and a roof, which mode home Rom; and this Rom contained a rusty looking Cook stove, a cupboard frog toe dishes, a tackle, three ob foul chairs, and toe beds. Uncle Henry and Ant Dem hob a big bee in home Corner, and Dorothy a little bee in another Corner. There was no greet at all, and no cellar except a Small hole due in toe Grind, called a cyclone cellar, where toe family could go in case home of those Great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush ants building in ins path. Its was reached bi a trap door in toe middle of the Floor, from which a ladder lead down into toe Small, dank hole.
Speech to text:
Dorothy live in the midst of the great Kansas panties Henri Bourassa farmer on them what's the farmer's wife the house with small for the number to build it had to be carried by wagon many mouse Denver for walls of roof 44 app Florida room endocrine contains a rusty looking cook stove burners for the dishes a table to your for chest and Bess Uncle Henry's on em have a big b*** in one corner and Dorothy Elisabeth in the other corner Darren know that what snow Garrett at all and no seller accepts small hole in the ground call cycle center what does Emily go incase book Joe's great Bruins roast mighty enough to crush any building in spa is respect rap door in the middle of the floor from which another let down into the small dark hole
Second Speech to text:
Dirtiness in the midst of the great Kansas panties Henri Bourassa farmer on them what's the farmer's wife the house with small for the number to build it had to be carried by wagon Minnie Mouse denser falls off roof 44 episodia room endo crime contains a rusty looking cook stove burners for the dishes a table to your for Jess and best uncle Henrys a.m. FM big b**** in rock Corning and Dorothy Elizabeth in the other porn Devin no that's what snow Garrett at all no Center accept small hole in ground call cycle center what does Emily go incase book Joe's great Bruins does Mike in a can of to crush any building in spot is respect rap door in the middle of the floor from which another let down into the small dark hole
Tennyson (original)
The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,
The vapours weep their burthen to the ground,
Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath,
And after many a summer dies the swan.
Me only cruel immortality
Consumes: I wither slowly in thine arms,
Here at the quiet limit of the world,
A white-haired shadow roaming like a dream
The ever-silent spaces of the East,
Far-folded mists, and gleaming halls of morn.
Tennyson (speech to text)
Do woods DKA the woods DK and fall the vapors suite de Budin to the ground men comes and deals the fields and lies beneath NSM many a summer dice the swarm me on the cruel immortality consumes I weather slowly and Dine ons here at the quiet limits of the world allied had shadow roaming like a dream DMS sign in space is on the east fireFold miss and getting holes morning
Tennyson (Nicole interpretation)
Two wounded dunkin in the forest of denmark were fallen into the vapors surrounded by burden to the ground. While men came to the fields beneath the enemy like they did many summers long. Twice the swarm feed their cruel immortality that slowly dive on the weathered limits of the world.Like shadows in a dream of demented signs in space, the last eastern fire burned holes in the morning.
Group two: outline here
- Exquisite Corpse extended:
Start: essay or description of work Begin: modify the text by infusing certain sentences from various new media essays and books (raid the office) Execute: By rolling dice it is determined where to pick the infused fragment from and where to put it.
- Poster folding:
Start: twitter tweets from a specific account: could be Michael Murtaugh tweets Begin: the tweets are printed out, cut up and glued to a piece of paper Execute: fold the paper and produce exiting new combinations!
- Binary oppositions:
Start: a text is needed Begin: The text is pasted in pirate pad and each participant is assigned a 'switch'-position Execute: the participants switch their given 'emotion' turning them opposite.
- Contemporary infusion:
Start: essay or description of work Begin: The essay is split up in sentences. The latest headlines from the guardian, HackAday, Nettimers-mailing-list are produced. Execute: Infuse the found headlines between the sentences of the given essay.
May 30
Reader and feedback
key questions:
is the method clear?
is motivation clear?- (maybe use the discussion to talk about motivation)
how can the writer come to a conclusion?
Reading Writing Research Methods
Assignment one: 22 April - 15 May:
Self-directed research essay = 1000-1500 words
The aim of this exercise is:
(1) to further articulate your practice and to discuss it within a broader cultural and historical context
(2) to identify and articulate a methodology
Some of you have already made progress in producing texts which fulfill the above ends.
In the second year, when you produce your Final Project Proposal, then it will be necessary to demonstrate the ability to do the above.
The aim of this assignment is to use description of your work as a way of identifying and articulating your method. Describing first what and then how and why you make work often leads to discussions of the works context (what work is similar to the work you describe; what are the key ideas the work deals with) . The theoretical elements of the texts you write should therefore emerge from, and have a very clear connection with, the work you are making. For this experiment I am asking you to follow the method outlined above so that you can begin to reflect and write quite deeply about the work you are making.
A second method you will find useful is to draw on annotations of texts you have read which have a particular relation to the work you make.
link title
Outline: 23 April
First draft: 7th May (review in groups)
Final draft: 15th May (review in groups)
Tips on structure:
Aim: articulation of methodology
Abstract = 50 words
Conclusion (recapping the main issues in the text)
Note on mode of address: imagine you are writing for a reader who is known to you (a peer or colleague).
What needs to be explained to them for them to understand what you do?
Upload Drafts Here
Assignment two:
Writing Machines: 5, 12 and 19 June
Trimester 2
This trimester we will be looking at key terms in the media lexicon and study the ideas and work they inspire, beginning with:
Cultural Hegemony
links for 9-1-13 class
Texts under discussion this week:
The Ruling Class and the Ruling ideas, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
(i) History of the Subaltern Classes; (ii) The Concept of 'Ideology'; (iii) Cultural Themes: Ideological Material, Antonio Gramsci
(the 'propaganda model', in) The Culture of Consent, Noam Chomsky
Week one: read Marx and Gramsci texts (if you haven’t got one Leslie has copies).
Assignment: gather together material comprising the following and bring that material to the seminar on Wednesday:
Make brief synopsis of each text:
Make notes on how Gramsci developed Marx’s idea
Posit your own definition for cultural hegemony
Speculate on how cultural hegemony might operate in the contemporary world... consider Chomsky’s use of the ‘propaganda model’. Can we consider the recent occupy movement and similar movements as countering cultural hegemony? If so, in what ways do they do this?
Cultural Hegemony Part two
1) You will work in groups on the texts you upload on to the wiki – at this point you should have material to work with and piece together, we can discuss what might be done with this material. [BUT DO NOT COME EMPTY HANDED]
2) Introduction into Adorno & Horkheimer and ‘the culture industry enlightenment as mass deception’
Cultural Hegemony Part three
Counter-culture & the New left
The culture industry continued
Texts discussed:
Whole Earth Catalogue (issue #1, 1968)
Radical Software (issue # 1, 1970)
From Counterculture to Cyberculture, Fred Turner (2009)
Digital Culture, Charlie Gere (2008)
One Dimensional Man, Herbert Marcuse (1964)
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace, Richard Brautigan (1967)
Punishment Park, Peter Watkins (1970)
Abbie Hoffman and the yippies -- Bobby Seal and the Black Panthers-- Videofreeks (1968)
TV footage of 1968 Democratic Convention and 'police riot', Chicago (1968)
Welcome back to RWRM after Stock’s workshop. This session will be used to tie some loose ends together. The session will be in two parts
Item 1 (10:00 – 11:30):
EMO: encyclopedia of media objects has made a tentative start but we now need to build on it.
Action: during the session we will do the following:
a) Timetable for media object entry and cataloguing of lectures will be established
b) Each person will choose a media object and commit to it – so think carefully about your object before we meet – (please upload material for discussion before hand)
c) Make stub page on the wiki
d) Talk about how together we can make pages for the lectures (i.e.: revisit pirate pad and go through the audio of Femke's talk again to make more comprehensive notes to give us a starting point.)
Item 2 (11:45-13:00): Cultural Hegemony part four
Counterculture – cyberculture – the culture industry
Report on progress
Since the last session you have been reading the texts we discussed in the last seminar and also conducting your own research (at transmediale and elsewhere) that will result in your own self-directed research paper. Please upload what you have (draft, notes or finished paper) and we will discuss it in groups and plan for its completion.
Upload here
- Michaela Lakova
- Lasse van den Bosch Christensen
- Joseph Knierzinger
- Marlon Harder
- Menno Harder
- Mathijs van Oosterhoudt
- Roel Roscam Abbing
- Yoana Buzova
- Nicole Hametner
- Nan Wang
- Caetano Carvalho
- Niek Hilkmann
Trimester 1
November 2012
'YouTube mini- seminar: participatory surveillance post- TV.'
With YouTube and Facebook as the central media under investigation we will explore the role of 'consumer as producer' in the post (mass) media context, drawing on our understanding of Deleuze’s societies of control and Foucault’s notions of disciplinary societies and neoliberal governmentality
1 (31-10-12): a) screening of We Live in Public b) discussion of film c) identify areas of interest related to your work and allocation of texts
2: (6-11-12) Notes on The YouTube Reader and related texts
3: Seminar: presentations and screenings
See also:
In the Long Tail Part - Mark Leckey (7 parts)
Wednesday 17-10-2012
Assignment for the 17th: having listened to the advice of your peers, make changes to your texts and upload them on the wiki. Read and make notes of the text(s) you chose in the seminar. On the 17th we will discuss how the texts connect to each other and to your own work
Tuesday 09-10-2012
link to Holmes:
Assignment for next week TUESDAY (9-10-2012)
Everyone reads Holmes text and makes notes (a line on every couple of paragraphs)
Those reading Deleuze: make synopsis = 250 words and also make synopsis of Holmes’ text = 250 words = 500 words
Those reading Oullette & Hay: Make synopsis of 250 words for each chapter = 500 words
Those reading Foucault: Make synopsis of 500 words = 500 words