SELF - directed

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Key themes

describe recent work

contextualizing texts

  • Social networks as a playground/ interface of mass self-performance. (you tube seminar)

"All the world is a stage, and we are mere actors". ... Shakespeare

  • The work of art in the age of digital recombination by Joe de Mul

"The art is here and now”. In the past the work of art was characterized with uniqueness, certain historical value of the time and space it was created. Moreover it was subject of ritual cult. According to Benjamin’s theory in the age of mechanical reproduction the cult value of the art work gradually vanished replaced by the exhibition value. With the introduction of print, photography and film the work of art become accessible – copied – reproduced, spread –expanded, shared – cultivate. All of which leaded to certain lost of the authenticity of the work or the “aura“. ”To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility.” However in the present digital age Joe de Mul shares a belief that the work of Art is a subject on vast on-going databases, where elements are combined, recombined, transformed and manipulated. Database is simply defined as collection of items that is ordered in one way or another then in computing context – database is presented as a structured collection of data records, stored in a computer, so that it can be consulted to answer queries. Databases apply certain flexibility, which enable the work of Art of being constantly and infinitely modified/recombined.

  • "Online video Aesthetics or the Art of Watching Databases" Networks without a cause, Geert Lovink
  • " Networks without a cause, Geert Lovink

Ex.You Tube as a sculpture Why won't this video load?
The artist Constant Dollars made a physical sculpture out of the standard loading gif and then he uploaded it back to you tube, where comments why the video does not load.