F for formula

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Revision as of 09:16, 24 April 2013 by Nan Wang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''General statement:''' To be honest, I don't think most my work could be easily put into specific formula. Mainlly because I use my own emotions and experience as inspirati...")
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General statement:

To be honest, I don't think most my work could be easily put into specific formula. Mainlly because I use my own emotions and experience as inspiration. And different technique to visualize it. I would like to try to write the formula and instruction of my work. but it might be slightly different from my original work.

Formula for Flowing fear

How to create a net art with a video as background and real time online comments on top of your video.

project link:


Step one:

When you traveling on the train. look at the moving landscape through the window for half an hour and ask yourself: how you feel? what it reminds you when you look at it. write down your emotion and experience as key words.

Step two:

Use your video camera( could be your camera on your Phone,) attach it to the train window. Shoot a footage around 30 mins.

Step three:

Then apply direction blur effects in post production software and export the video as mp4 and ogg formats and put inside the browser ( use <video></video> in html)

Step four:

type your emotional key words in wikipedia. and chose one page your like. Use Wikipiedia api, select your emotion key words when you shoot the footage, so that comments and timestamps from Wikipiedia will appear on top you video.

Wikipiedia API : http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json&titles=fear&rvlimit=100&rvprop=user%7Ccomment%7Ctimestamp&callback=read

Replace the< titles= fear> into <titles= your key words>. Then, you will have a moving image and real time comments on top of it.

Step five:

If you like, you also can use music or daily updated BBC one minute news as a background sound for your video.