User:Nan Wang/Milkshake T3:

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Describe recent work

1. Monolog Machine:

Monologue Machine is a self-communication machine. A machine like human being constantly talking to itself. It simulate human mental statues as self-examination.

Monologue Machine generates sound from reading the change of lights. Then, generates graphics from its sound and read the changing graphics again in order to keep generates sound.

In this circumstance, it creates a data loop which read, process and generates its own data again and again.

As in machine and programming logic, it should just keep repeat the volume and data again and again.

However, the sound and graphics changing every time the machine processing the data.

The only variable make it constantly change its sound and graphic is something we called "noise".

Randomness and unpredictbleconditions and environments.

For instance, when people passing by accidentally change the light.

Or the random delay causing by its own calculation process.

Slowly changing daylights, flickering artificial lights...

It will keep updating the content of its own talking.

2. dust narrative:

coming soon,,,,,

Identify key themes Identify how texts you have already produced might be useful (descriptions of work, or annotations for instance)

about "意境":It means artistic conception. Using words to recreate a mood and images for reader's imagination. Only using description of environments or symbolic things and objects to create certain emotional tones. Thia methodology also could be applied to imaged based creation.

noise.---my definition on Emo.


1.simulation and emulation

2.About experiencing of loss reality.

3.New definition of noise.

4. dust.

5.The definition of dust in material world. and on-line world

6.Compare the dust in Hyperreality (online & on screen) dust in material world (off-line & off screen).

7.What's the possibilities when we digitalized the dust from real world. Break it down to pixels and manipulate it and reuse it to recreate a reality?

8.What changed in the process. What the relation between the real dust stuck in between my sticky tape and those scanned and digitalized put on to the screen.

9.Their material body and image in a virtual world.

10.Is that going to happen to us in the future that shatter ourselves' consciousness,personalities and identities into different copies for those multiple realities?

reference: Video Vortex Reader II Moving Images Beyond YouTube silenceTheLecturesAndWritings1961-JoinCage Cracked Media, the sound of malfunction ---caleb kelly

may be: fragmented generated speech voice and sound. ----crack media and The Oulipo ...