User:Eleanorg/1.3/Dissolute Image/Code2

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Revision as of 10:54, 4 September 2012 by Eleanorg (talk | contribs)

create an image file

This script grabs an unadopted pixel randomly from the DB, creates an image file on the fly and gives it to the user. It also creates a hash for that file to ensure that users can't tamper with it.

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import hashlib
import os
import pymongo, random  
from pymongo import Connection
## grab a random unadopted pixel from the database and create an image out of it

connection = Connection()
myDB = connection['pixelDbQuery1']
collection = myDB.collection

##--------- choose pixel randomly from DB ------------#
# find all entries where url is empty:
unadopted = []
for entry in collection.find({"url": ""}):
    unadopted.append(entry)			# add this pixel's hash as an item to the 'unadopted' dictionary
#print unadopted
howMany = len(unadopted)			# find out how many items in 'unadopted' list
#print howMany
random = random.randint(0,howMany)		# pick a random number in this range
#print random
pixelHash = unadopted[random]			# ...and choose the pixel at this index
#print pixelHash

#color = "#333"
#xpos = str(10)
#ypos = str(20)
pixelId = pixelHash['ID']
color = pixelHash['color']
xpos = pixelHash['xpos']
ypos = pixelHash['ypos']
image = "../../forbiddenPixels/images/" + xpos + "_" + ypos + ".jpg"
#print image

#--------- create an image with it ------------#

# creates new image and saves to images folder
command = "convert -size 1x1 xc:" + color + " " + image   
#print command	           	
os.popen(command, 'r').read()

#--------- create hash for img and put in DB ------------#
# md5sum -- create an hex digest of a file's md5 hash
# usage: print md5sum(open('filename','rb'))

# define hashing function
def md5sum(f, block_size=8192):
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    while True:
        data =
        if not data:
    return md5.hexdigest()

# run hashing function, assigning to var 'hash'
pixelHash = md5sum(open(image,'rb'))
# insert hash for this pixel into its array in DB
collection.update( {"ID": pixelId}, {"$set":{"hash": pixelHash}})

#--------- give user link to the image ------------#
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Adopt a Pixel</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
<h1>the DISSOLUTE IMAGE</h1>
Right click & 'save as' to download your pixel: <br />

<a href=" """ + image + """ ">Download Pixel</a>
<br />
The hash is """ + pixelHash + """

input form for user to give url

  • HTML form to recieve image URL
  • Linked from above script - 'upload your img, then give the url /here/'

extract image file from url submitted

  • use urlLib to read the page
  • Get the image file, check its hash against the db
  • if correct, put url into db for that pixel

create html doc with embedded images

  • embeds images as per database urls
  • how to load quickly, not having to go thru db on each load?