Notes during class SI25
Week 2 - 18/09/2024
Protocols for improvisation the post-script umanthology Rod Dickinson wiki page - protocols for improvisation directory Anthony Braxton notation notes Sun Ra - came from the 'magic city'. Re-translating real political problems into the transcendental. Scratch directory - also called rapid prototyping. Examples: Nature study notes. Treatise: Cornelius Cardew Protocols are blurring the difference between artist and professional musician, allowing for a lot of threshold of skill. Exercise performed in class
Write a series of protocols Perform Cover at least one Scratch orchestra - the need to 'professionalise' such methods. Protocols
Generative We are not aware/ we do not propose - it generates itself. Be open to what happens. Difference in 'cover': one 'product' moving and the rest being interpreted differently. Protocols 1. Generative 2. Rehearsal 3. Groups
Field recording as material. Rehearsal: How to make a 'longform' - think about duration (our orientation for Monday).