- operating system
- noise
- interpretation
- contingency
- versioning
- archi-techtural etymology: hierarchy, monarchy, anarchy + textuality, textile
- protocols for improvisation
- directory
- sudo event
- protocol – regulates flow of information
- variation
- oscillate
- parsing
- primer
- potential (both from Oulipo "a Primer for potential literature")
protocols for glossary writing
how do we write a glossary entry?
(roles/ perspectives, formal/informal definitions, physicality/ body position, how do we get to a formal definition-link paths...)
think about title (for whole glossary)
a protocol for: how do we write a glossary entry collectively?
use different media/ sensory inputs of information: visual, textual, audio (diagram the work on a piece of paper in 1 minute)
wiki as a format (links, sections, pages...)