User:Zuhui//Personal Reader/Keywords for Radicals

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The Emperor's New Clothes

neither static nor extrinsic to power

Words attain meaning through the history of their usage, and these histories contain traces of the struggle not only to name but also to create the world.

  • 단어가 사용되는 방식, 맥락, 시기마다 의미가 달라지고, 이러한 변화는 사회적, 정치적, 경제적 권력 구조에 의해 영향을 받는다.
For example, the word "freedom" carries different meanings in different contexts (colonial independence, economic freedom, individual rights). Just as Donald Trump's notion of freedom differs from Martin Luther King Jr.'s, the concept varies depending on who uses it and for what purpose.

Naming has historically been a war zone

  • 이름 붙이기(명명)는 단순히 사물을 구분하거나 이해하려는 과정이 아니라, 권력을 두고 벌어지는 갈등의 장이다.
Deciding who gets to name something and how it is named reflects underlying power dynamics and systems of control. For example, debates over place names(such as colonial-era names versus post-independence names) shows conflicts over power and identity, as seen in the case of Bombay versus Mumbai in India, Gyeongseong versus Seoul in Korea.

the attribution of names takes the undifferentiated whole and parses it into discrete and mani­pulable units, the evolution of word usage tends to correspond with develop­ments in what Marx called “the productive forces.” As Raymond Williams noted, “ordinary, everyday language” is “directly subject to historical development” (1980, 50).

  • 이름을 붙이는 행위는 대상을 인식하고 분류하며, 그 대상을 다룰 수 있는 구체적인 개념이나 단위로 만들게 된다. → 이를통해 혼란스럽고 구분되지 않은 전체(복잡한 현실)가 분리되고, 조작 가능하게 된 단위로 만들기(통제하는 방식)
Economy and Labor: by assigning the name "labor," human activities are transformed from acts of survival into measurable and controllable units of production. This becomes the foundation for systems in capitalist economies to buy and organize labor as a resource.
Nature and Resource: defining "nature" as "resources" transforms nature from it's existance into usable and manipulable units.
Social Identity: like race, gender, and class are shaped into distinguishable social units through naming. E.g. the term "consumer" defines an individual not just as a person but as a unit in specific economic activities, manipulable and targeted for economic purposes.

단어 사용과 의미의 변화 = 충돌과 기회의 동시성

  • No guarantee that change(in real life) is positive
  • Word changes and transformation of Labor in the context of Post-Fordism
  • Social media and labor
  • Importance of linguistic controversies