User:Eleanorg/Bibliography 1.2

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

News Articles

Thoughts on the aggressive rhetorical tactics of Eben Moglen re:Facebook privacy (accessed 7 Feb 2012).

Blog Posts

links to various discussions of the gay kiss removal incident, and highlights the problem of relying on human judgement to decide what is 'obscene' etc

Journal Articles



Thoughts on data visualisation, information overload & open licenses.
insightful discussion of the hierarchical, specialist mentality inherent the identity 'activist'.
Foucauldian analysis of census as control mechanism, and paradox of open data creating a supposedly equal-access panopticon which validates govt schemes of data collection

Misc Texts


  • Freud, S. () Two Short Accounts of Psychoanalysis

Book chapters

  • de Mul, J. (2009) 'The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Recombination' in van den Boomen, M., Lammes, S. et al (eds) Digital Material: Tracing New Media in Everyday Life and Technology (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press).

Web pages

bizarre e-activism; ppl ganging up on energy companies to force down prices
Beautifully understated and hilarious critique of the bullying tactics of social media apps
Public archive, to which members of the public are invited to add information about FBI syping incidents they know of.
with examples of artworks censored by facebook, and questions about what to define as 'pornographic'




  • Unsworn (2012) Chronophone
Call yourself – in the future! ”Record your message after the beep. You have one minute. In exactly one

year we will call you back and replay your message.”

"make any web page look like it was made by a 13 year old in 1996"