User:Kim/reading/The truth of fact, the truth of feeling
by Ted Chiang Subterranean Press Fall 2013
- I mostly think of writing and reading together - when we write we read and when we read we write (annotate, inscribe)? : interesting how there is such a huge gap between both here
- I am curious to think of how technology shapes our ways of memorizing : maybe not only in the most common doom "we loose ability to remember" but also how we benefit or change
- I also thought of the the “Extended Mind Thesis” originally established by philosopher and cognitive scientists Andy Clark and David Chalmers in 1998 ( the mind does not exclusively reside in the brain, or even the body, but extends beyond and into the physical world )
- lastly I find it interesting how with remem memory becomes very reliant on image/ the visual apparatus (and all the ideologies/ predispositions that come with visibility?)
- europeans :,(
- materiality: paper
- "how can paper tell a story?" I really liked the question, feel it adheres to something/ questions that understands paper as an active/living being with its own materiality and individual relations (different than human or animal ones maybe)
- paper is a record, writing is recording
- this is about time: preserving (future), looking back (history, past)
- "interpreting" reminded me of the browser and protocols - the machine/ code knows one interpretation while the human one is ambigous
- surveillance and police states
- it also made me think of the used phrasing of "truth" and objectivity -- here supposedly based on image/ vision
- and reminded me of Donna Haraway's Text on situated knowledges:
"The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective"
- also I just here go that apparently videos can be sent between individuals: this brings a whole new level to idea of 'personal memory' but also to perspective?
- I dont like the phrasing "what technology brings out in people" , it renders the human, the user passive and unknowing
- also these effects (often negative?) are too often made an individuals responsibility (instead of the creators hidden capitalist, racist etc agency)