Special Issue notes

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Week 2

-Experimental: mistakes can happen The magic of the medium, you can adjust and respond in the moment.

  • Group of 5 at work then the rest listen at uni- participating through the channel
  • Moments in the afternoon are left for practical work and discussion.
  • Producer, interface and three hosts talking in podcast. The interface is the person writing or taking images. The interface communicates with the hosts incase someone has asked or mentioned something on the online chat/ website. Roles would interchange between each week
  • 10 weeks of broadcasting at worm, promoting the idea of musical experimentation.
  • Excited by working with materials, problems and bugs. Could they be productive? Could this be interesting as a practice? Not forced into a one role layout. Trying out new things during these ten sessions.
  • Cornelius cardew: working with alternative scores, interest in social context, sociality as a performing orchestra
  • The great learning
  • A webpage is a score, an instrument, an instruction.
  • Ring modulator https://webaudio.prototyping.bbc.co.uk/ring-modulator/
  • Scores to perform in the radio show
  • The delian mode documentary