User:Riviera/Project that may or may not be made/Klankserver

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< User:Riviera‎ | Project that may or may not be made
Revision as of 10:49, 21 September 2024 by Riviera (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> __ __ __ / /__ / /__ ____ / /__ ___ ___ _____ _____ ____ / '_// / _ `/ _ \/ '_/(_-</ -_) __/ |/ / -_) __/ /_/\_\/_/\_,_/_//_/_/\_\/___/\__/_/ |___/\__/_/ </pre> <span id="what"></span> = What? = The Klankserver will provide digital infrastructure for members of the Klankschool by running services which complement the activities of the community. Public-facing components will contribute to knowledge and awaren...")
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   __    __          __                            
  / /__ / /__ ____  / /__ ___ ___ _____  _____ ____
 /  '_// / _ `/ _ \/  '_/(_-</ -_) __/ |/ / -_) __/
/_/\_\/_/\_,_/_//_/_/\_\/___/\__/_/  |___/\__/_/   


The Klankserver will provide digital infrastructure for members of the Klankschool by running services which complement the activities of the community. Public-facing components will contribute to knowledge and awareness of the Klankschool's activities while internal services should serve to thicken infra-community relations.


  1. To publicise and support sonic practices whilst developing inter-community relationships to gain insight into what free software does in social contexts.
  2. To advance my understanding of what sustainable, resilient and secure server maintenance consists of in a production environment whilst contributing to culture.


I intend to use Emacs' Org Mode throughout the project for scheduling items, making todo lists and writing documents.


September - October

Obtain a static IP address

Configure Nginx

Speak with e.g. Mara Karagianni about the maintenance of Systerserver


Configure the backup server

Undertake further research into the context surrounding servers in the cultural sector

N.B. project proposal deadline 22nd


Find fluid ways to promote synchronicity between my computer and my user account on the Klankserver with a specific focus on Emacs workflows. (rsync…? ftp…?) take a week off during the winter break.

N.B. Assessments 16th + 17th


Benchmark-testing? Communicate with Klankschool members to understand what they need Get the mailing list going




N.b. Thesis deadline 18th



Relation to Wider Context

(Trans*)Feminist Servers

Art Servers

Live Coding

Relation to Previous Practice

  • Using GNU/Linux daily since 2021
  • Self Hosting an OpenProject, a funkwhale and a Nextcloud on subdomains of my website.
  • Configuring Nginx and using Certbot to host the web interface for the LARP experience we made at .zip in one day last trimester.

Choices Made

  • Using Emacs Org Mode to structure the timeline
  • Installing Arch Linux on the Klankserver (Trashbin 4)
  • Setting up Logical Volume Management to make a big storage pool out of two external hard disks.
  • Copying lxd-tramp.el and adjusting it, permitting editing files in containers from within an Emacs running on the server's OS.
  • Running web services inside Linux containers using Incus.
  • Managing databases for all applications on a single, self-hosted Postgresql instance for economic resource allocation.