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Revision as of 16:27, 13 September 2024 by Enrico (talk | contribs)

11 to 13/09/2024


The exercise I am working on this week is based on the text "Morphology of the Landscape" by Carl Sauer (1925).

On an attempt to redefine Geography as a science, Sauer suggests that Geography is the study of "Cultural Landscape" and the work of a geographer is much similar to the one of a landscape painter, choosing "salient and related features (...) in order to establish the character of the landscape and to place it in a system." Moreover, another concern expressed in the text is the connection between natural and cultural relationships in the landscape. Sauer claims the "geography is based on the reality of the union of physical and cultural elements of the landscape", and later describes culture as the "impress of the works of a man upon the area."

To continue this exercise, I am going to make use of the observed features from a landscape in the attempt of creating a narrative. The subject of this experiment will be the view from my previous house which I photographed regularly for a year.


For each of these images I assigned a number and listed the features from the landscape that would call my attention on each scene.