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Revision as of 16:07, 6 February 2024 by Alessia (talk | contribs) (Bubbling as an hobby is getting difficult, it's time to disconnect from Meta. We could transform it in a special issue project)

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AAAAH Alessia I see you saw Monster! I saw it last Saturday! < Thijs

Have you seen Rashomon? <      


Alessia >  Yup! I really like Koreeda's work
                 I see you are a man of culture :) Nope I still didn't watch Rashomon but I heard about it a lot. Has
                 it the same narrative structure? 
           >     Thiiijijjijijss you should write a letterboxd review about monster!
                 Did you explore a bit IFFR last week? I watched Firebrand and Fresh Kill, I am quite sure you would
                 have liked Fresh Kill!