User:Thijshijsijsjss/Notes on SI23

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< User:Thijshijsijsjss
Revision as of 00:04, 19 January 2024 by Thijshijsijsjss (talk | contribs) (Is the wiki a space or a place?)


Workshop: Creatives with Unseen Disabilities (CUD)

Workshop: Owning our Shit and Making it Together!

Human figure with areas of tension highlighted
Figurative tension

SI23 Kickoff

A technology that... Potlucklunch Prototyping mini session

cd ~/.ssh/
ssh-keygen -t ed25519

My chopchop ssh keychain

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The webquilt The table My userpage

Amazing human computing exercise -- polite pulling




yay Lídia and Steve are back and hi Marloes has joined us

Editorial team 2, space, flooded, caretaker, did not do a good job

is chopchop a space or a place?


misc: left laptop, good result (walking) no wiki edits outside of school hours on school days

New Ethereal Library // a temporary place

week name date
Week.. 2? Workshop CUD 2024-01-10
Workshop CUD: Design Choices
<-- Exercises on media and tools
Workshop CUD: Video
Workshop CUD: Audiobooks & PDFs
Workshop CUD: Image Descriptions & Alt-text
Workshop CUD: Screenreaders
SI22 Website 2024-01-10
Week 3 MASTERPAD 2024-01-15
Pad of the Monday 2023-01-15
Pad of the Tuesday 2024-01-16
Pad of the Wednesday 2023-01-17