Typesetting Tools
Below is a listing of typesetting tools published under an open license.
Canvas based (GUI)
Web based (web-to-print)
- your browser (based on CSS Paged Media): use CTRL+P/CMD+P
- Weasyprint https://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/
- Paged.js https://www.pagedjs.org/
- wkhtmltopdf https://wkhtmltopdf.org/
- OSPKit (CSS Regions legacy support!) http://osp.kitchen/tools/ospkit/
Python based
- rinohtype http://www.mos6581.org/rinohtype/master/
- ReportLab https://www.reportlab.com/
- Flat http://xxyxyz.org/flat/
- pyPDF2 https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2
TeX based
- TeX https://tug.org/ + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX
- LaTeX https://www.latex-project.org/
- ConTeXt https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page
- texinfo https://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/manual/texinfo/html_node/Short-Sample-Texinfo-File.html
XML based=
- speedata https://showcase.speedata.de/en/
- groff https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/
- SILE https://sile-typesetter.org/ (LaTeX-like)
- typst https://typst.app/
- SATySFi https://github.com/gfngfn/SATySFi (LaTeX-like + OCaml-like)
- Patoline https://patoline.github.io/ (wiki/LaTeX/Ocaml-like)
See also
- Category:PagedMedia
- Web-to-print
- https://polytype.dev/ (a rosetta's stone for typesetting tools, quick demo's of many different typesetting tools)