Aratrika's proposal for a project that may or may not be made

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Revision as of 17:04, 22 November 2023 by Aratrikak (talk | contribs)

What will it be?

A film montage of visuals of me filmed by myself using different instagram filters. In these clips I am alone, doing everyday things, often looking into the camera. There is overlaying audio that creates a coherence and narrative.

Why do you want to make it?

I am interested in the ways we choose to depict ourselves, the joys of choosing and building our identities. I have been exploring self portraiture in this way for a while now and want to put the different clips together and see what I discover.

Describe how it would be made:

-Look through archives from 2019-now and download relevant and interesting clips

-Put them into a video editing timeline

-Play around with them in terms of order, duration, colour

-Make note of what kind of themes or narratives emerge, feel free to experiment with various iterations

-If it feels right work on a voice over or sound design to tie everything together

Extra steps:

-Imagine how it might play out as a video installation

-Play around with TouchDesigner

Rapid Prototype: 1. go to the studio 2. print out a picture 3. stretch your upper body 4. take a photo of your reflection 5. put it side by side with a still from an old self-video clip, on the computer or printed 6. write for 5 mins about how that feels 7. say "good job aratrika"